Ilness: Day 7

May 17, 2010 12:31

The plot thickens. Translation: my cold is getting worse, so my grandmother is freaking out because I went out yesterday and naturally that must be the cause even though it's supposed to be getting worse and it's following the same pattern my cold's have had my entire life (except for the London ones, which were just bizarre and evil and call the London cough instead) and now she wants to stick my water in the microwave before I drink it because room temperature is apparently "cold". Which is how you can tell this is my Mexican grandmother and not my Puerto Rican one, for whom cooling water in the fridge takes too long and prefers to stick in the freezer (in Mexico, water is often drunk at room temperature, in PR, water is never drunk like that unless you're desperate. You should have seen me the first time I was handed room temperature water in Mexico. I refused to believe it was water. People at PR still look at me weird because I carry around room temperature bottles, not cold ones (I can't stick a cold bottle in my bag; everything will get wet.)) What was I saying?

I've been basically either reading about filmmaking or watching films, all the while wishing I were healthy enough to be out there making them and trying not to obsess over the opportunities I've missed because I've been too sick to go anywhere. A lot of old moves. I find it very amusing that silent films painted the film blue to make it seem like night even when there are hugs shafts of sunlight everywhere. At least shoot on a cloudy day, will you?
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