Apr 12, 2010 00:30
Despite all common sense, I have begun yet another story that will soon inevitably become a novel. My justification: it's straight original slash with no het or funky gender issues, it's set now, not 400 years ago, and has werewolves, which makes it a much easier sell than anything else I have so far. And for extra fun (and partly because of), I'm imagining one of the boys (human) as Guy Flanagan, who played the first Mitchell on Being Human, and the other as Santiago Cabrera. Pretty boys are very inspirational.
I am trying to get Photoshop on my computer. I'm not sure how that's going. The installer window disappeared, a Photoshop folder appeared on my desktop (where I did not want it), but it's not on my start menu. I just hope the free trial doesn't start before I begin using it, which would just be the kind of thing to happen.
Meanwhile I'm Spanish spellchecking for my cousin while he writes a song and screaming at Works for being a bitch. I knew I switched to Word for a reason (other than my dad buying it because I couldn't afford it). Although I always save rtf files, never doc, because those hate me and keep becoming Read Only for no reason.
And I just looked up at a wall that I have been seeing my entire life and that has not been redecorated since who knows when and saw a picture I don't recall ever seen before. Weird.
ficcy stuff