Nov 11, 2009 21:18
--reading a biography of Christopher Marlowe (or Merlin, or Marlin or Marlinge in this 'we don't do spelling rules' age). It's kinda interesting reading about a time when being a scholar was considered cool. Where did those good, old days go? Although I gotta say, a 16th century curriculum sounds really boring.
--finishing up the first draft of a story for a submission. It looks like I'll actually make it between the word limit this time. Yay!
--going from skimming through a depressing (but wonderful) novel I've read before to reading another depressing novel. Not good.
--being sad at the big Heroes spoiler, though I knew that had to happen sooner or later.
--also being sad because I missed Modern Family. *cries* I've been looking forward to it all day and now I missed it. I know I can catch it online later, but... :(
--wondering if I should watch some past episodes but my grandfather’s going to bed and uproarious laughter might be a little too loud.