I feel like the inside of an icecube.

Sep 02, 2009 16:44

I really want to take a trip to somewhere so badly. I don't really care where, as long as it has mountains. Mountains with vegetation, preferably, though I've never seen mountains with snow on them so I don't know how I feel about them yet. Still haven't called my cousin. I'm waiting for my grandfather to be done eating so I can ask him for the number. I'm really, really not in the mood to deal with something I don't care about.. I'm looking through the bullet points for a good conclusion on the sheet they gave us and keep thinking they're probably aimed at dissertations that have to do with politics/current affairs and not so much with religious stuff that no can ever prove. I'm suppose to acknowledge opposing viewpoints. Except for this one guy who came up with a theory so ridiculous that no one takes him seriously, I don't remember finding any. I don't think I have any personal findings as everything I'm saying has basically been said before, though maybe not with the same phrasing, but I'm dealing with concrete things here. Oh, am I'm supposed to ask myself, "So what?" for which I can come up with no answer other than "Because it’s interesting". Broader issues? Broader implications? This is so aimed at the people writing about the drug situation in Colombia. It's not even an issue. It's... I don't know what it is. I don't know what I'm talking about. We're just hoping that the very few stuff that got written down had some relevance to reality and that someone wasn't just screwing with us. I get cynical about this field every once in a while. I wouldn't get so frustrated if there weren't so many academics screaming at each other because they're convinced that their educated guesswork is absolutely correct. Maybe everything I've written in this thesis is false. I don't know. I wasn't there. Which is why I use "might" and "perhaps" so much. This bullet list says "be aware that you can never be conclusive". You can never be conclusive. Why can't we acknowledge that?

So the Heroes season 3 DVD came out. I don't know if I feel like buying it. I have the episodes on my hard drive and I never watch them. I don't why, I just never seem to be in the mood. I've been on such a humongous seesaw with this show that don't know how I feel about it anymore. I rewatch season 1. Not often, but I do. Season 2 is there, but I'm never in the mood to fast-forward through the crappy stuff. I don't even know when the new season starts. I figure I'll find out through the flist eventually, but I could google it. I googled when Fringe starts. That DVD comes out next week. It makes me really wish I were allowing myself to buy DVDs right now, which I'm not, so the whole thing becomes moot anyway. No DVDs until I get a job. I guess I'm just nervous of being disappointed again. I've never stuck with a show that disappointed me before. Buffy turned into swill in season 6 (for some people it was season 5) and I bailed so fast (one of those episodes was seriously one of the worst hours of television I have ever seen). Buffy. Until Heroes, no other show has ever has such an impact on me. I watched it since it first aired, very first episode. It hurt to leave it, but if you're not worth my time, I'm not sticking around. So for me, Buffy is seasons 1 through 5, like for a lot of other people. Then the fandom got split up into the people who ignored the rest of the series and the new fans who started watching in season 6 and didn't care to watch the beginning and the people who stuck it out through the whole thing, but it was fine as long as one could steer away from the wank of two opposing groups screaming at each other. I guess I kinda expected that to happen with Heroes, not for the people who just like season one to bail completely. Not on this scale. Again, I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm just in a crappy mood and felt like airing out my thoughts. I already quit Heroes once. I really did. For three weeks after they killed Adam, I did not even care what was happening in the show. The only reason I came back was because of fandom and the lovely people I've met through it. I didn't have that with Buffy. Maybe I would have finished watching it if I had. I just really, really hope this season is at least on a volume four level, except please let's not have character flip flopping. I hate flip flopping.

Apparently, Milo will be on Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow. So I guess I'll finally find out who Jimmy Kimmel is (I hardly watch television, okay? I don't have HBO here. *cries*).

Almost done with BSG. Just one more DVD, Razor, and Caprica and I'm done. Oh, and then there's The Plan. And there's a series for Caprica coming out Jan. 22! That is so awesome. BSG is one of the best shows I've seen in a long time. I don't even mind the spaceships. I don't care how sacrilegious this sounds, but since I don't consider myself a sci-fi fan (though I might have to revise that given how many sci-fi series I'm accumulating), it doesn't feel so sacrilegious. I like it better than Star Wars. Watching these characters totally makes me want to get off my ass and do something.

Hey, I think I'm starting to feel better.

heroes, buffy, bsg, thesis

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