I watched Terminator. It was fun. Paper thin story and I had no idea what was going on half the time since I haven't seen any of the Terminators, but fun.
I like driving. But Puerto Rican style driving, not suburban Illinois toe the line kind of driving that very literally was putting me to sleep one time, and that freaked me out. Miles and miles of straight roads is not fun. There's no thrill. I am so not a thrill seeker at all, but while driving is when I let loose. I'm going to miss that.
Why do I keep seeing people saying that Milo doesn't look 32? He definitely looks it to me. It's like Johnny Deep. That's what 40-odd people look like in my family.
The Brazilian government apologized for torturing farmers? Brazil?! The lot that pardoned itself for over a decade of human rights violations? Weeeird. Then again, it's not the same government, but... Oh, no I am not looking at Brazilian politics now. Didn't I not like politics?
Milo buying a snowboard
(I said it was random):
And with a hat: