copied from sharmin cuz she's my bubble wrap lover ;)

Dec 13, 2005 16:18

Open iTunes/iPoo or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.

Are you ready?

How many songs: 663..not that impressive i know :P

Sort Song by Title:
#1 Crush by Garbage
Zero by Smashing Pumpkins

Sort by Time:
Shortest: clip from a simpsons episode "Democrats" said by sideshow bob (0:10)
Longest: Robin Williams Live on Broadway (1:39:10) [interesting that they're both comedy pieces and not music :P]

Sort by Artist:
Eden Predlude to The Apple Tree, artist: [Orchestra]
uuh i have a bunch of no artist ones but of the ones that do: Gujira (I Love You 2 Much) artist: Yerba Buena

Sort by Album:
First Song: Hello, Oasis, album: (Whats the Story) Morning Glory
Last Song: Talk, Coldplay, album: X&Y

Top 5 Most Played Songs: [ok these are ALL from musicals or movies, which is kinda embarressing :P]
1. Heaven on their Minds-from Jesus Christ Superstar
2. Tiger, tiger-from Apple Tree
3. The Park on Piano-from Finding Neverland
4. Trial Before Pilate (including The 39 Lashes)-from Jesus Christ Superstar
5. The Peter Pan Overture--from Finding Neverland

Type in "..." and how many songs come up.
"sex" 1...ok even i think thats sad
"death" 1...i really need more music
"love" 28...a BIT better
"you" 79
"blue" 40

....ok i need recommendations of new things to download!!!!!! HELP!!!!!...

and cause im bored and definitly not studying; a quote.

"Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve. But I am the opposite of a stage magician. He gives you illusion that has the apperance of truth. I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion."--Tom in the opening scene of Glass Menagerie, which otherwise is horrible and should be burned. If i didnt disagree with burning books.
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