Sep 19, 2005 19:21
wow! its been a while, again, since ive updated, so thought id drop by.... ummm life is pretty great right now, for a change, its been two weeks for me and fred,yes were back together, yes AGAIN, maybe i really love this boy, we've been through ALOT and all i can say this time is wont be me breaking up numerous times. hopefully we dont break up at all this time. it really feels like its meant to be. school is...keeping me busy, a little boring at times, but keeping me busy. well im takin my senior pics tomoro, wow im a senior and i still cant believe it, its just unreal. how can i be a SENIOR? already??!!! then off to college and to find a job, face the world with my heart in one hand and my brains in the other. how can this be? just yesterday i was moving here from guam...4 years almost ALL grown heres a thinker for the ladys out
is it real when all you think about is him
is it real when all you want is him
is it real when you call someone else by his name
is it real when you cant go a day without seeing him
is it real when you cheese every time someone else says his name
is it real when he kisses you everywhere but your lips some times
is it real when all you want to do is stay in is arms forever
is it real when he comes to see you on your lunch break
is it real when he comes to pick you up from work to take you home
is it real that he chose you, knowing he could be with someone so much prettier
is it REAL??
*get back at me, when u can*