emotional but souless

Jul 01, 2005 13:02

"the ashtrey says
someone has been up all night," i announced

"i noticed," brian said.

"before you go to bed,
i'm going to have to wash all your sheets."

"i can accept that."

whitney came over at 945am to make sure i was awake and ready for the mormons to come over and share the message with us.

they were twenty minutes late. elder peni and elder keys from california. they were maybe nineteen years old. they wore cheap white collared shirts with silly ties and shoes from payless.

orrigionaly, we were going to invite the mormons into the magic theatre to witness the meyhem. andrew has 40 days (and 40 nights) off from the millitary so he's been partaking in a lot of the green. joe has his cabalist meditation routines. brian and i have quite a variaty of sex lube floating around our little apartment. tiffany isn't here and that's why we stacked a bunch of beer cans infront of her door.

"do you care to come in?" i asked them.

and it became quickly obvious that they felt uncomfortable about entering my home. they did not vocaly protest but they wen't eager to come in, either. besides, brian was still asleep. so we sat on the prch.

"my landlord is going to be confused if he ever comes by," i said. "usualy we're out here smoking and drinking beers."

"now you're talking to the mormons," said elder keys, monotone. he was a tall white boy from san francisco. he was an al american kid minus the stimulants.

both of the kids were grossly lacking in the stimulants.

"oh god, we found a new vice!" i joked.

elder peni laughed nervously. everything about the meeting was awkward and forced. escpecialy the religous talk.

"how did you decide to become mormon?" i asked.

keys told me that he's mostly always been mormon. and then one day he arrived to a plateu of understanding and then he became a real mormon. it was just a spiritual confirmation.

"same as him," peni said.

"what is a spiritual confirmation?" i asked.

"it's just a feeling," keys said. "it's hard to explain. it's like descirbing salt to someone who's never tasted salt."

"but maybe i have tasted salt," i said.

"that's not the point," he contested. "how do you describe salt?"

and we read a passage from the book of mormon outloud. it was about knowing the truth. deep down inside, we will know the truth. just follow your heart kind of bullshit.

really, whitney and i should have broken out the neitzsche and shared the message of nhilism. and post-nhilism. but the whole situation was really uninspired of thought.

the best part was when the mormons described to me how two people came to joseph smith to deliver the message.

"who were those two people?" they asked me.

"moses and elijia?" i asked, with a smirk.

"close, but no," he said. "it was god and jesus."

first of all, god is not a people. second, nobody has seen god. to suggest that joseph smith is the only man in all time to see god is downright rediculous.

it would make sense to say moses and elijia. however, when these cats return, they're going to be bringing the end of the world and armegedon. so i don't know.

"do you want to go to ihop?" i suggested.

the mormons turned us down. so whitney and i went by ourselves. our waitress was mormon and she took interest in our conversation. whitney and i were of course, discussing further plans. the waitress warned us not to be mean.

we're not mean. we're just testing. we're provocative. we're like a scene from ghost world.

i started at subway yesterday. it was pretty fun making sammiches. i am not officialy hired yet. i'm on a trial basis. i can dig it. meanwhile, i'm making money. so that's good, right?

after work, whitney over to work on a top secret government project.

after that, we began her sleep training. how does someone teach someone to sleep?

chapter of a book in life: sleeping with an insomniac

religion, romance, the spiritual womb, whitney

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