town of my youth

May 07, 2005 13:52

i've always wanted to take my friends to vashon
escpecialy all my closest friends
to show them where i'm from and maybe
to show them how i became who i am today
and now i do it all the time
and not always my closest friends
sometimes complete strangers come with me

becca and i went to vashon. i played the show at a skate park. i'm not sure if i want to do it again. i don't know, maybe i will.

i forgot how to play marah's song half way thru it. that sucked. i stopped halfway thru.

i also forgot how to play rachel's song. so i just made it up as i went along. marah's the only one who noticed. everybody else probably just thought it was a strange song.

all my song's are strange.

i opened with charlie's song. nobody laughed. i don't know. it is kind of a heavy piece. maybe it just went over their heads?

i'm going to try to upload some new pictures and songs later tonight. i'm having pictures developed.

after the show, i got real sick and passed out in marah's bed. becca took the ferry home by herself.

i had a dream that i was talking to a girl i once knew. i was hurting her with my fingernail. she started to cry and i was so frusterated because i didn't want to hurt her. she started to curse me and i wanted to yell at her, telling her that i love her and would never want to hurt her. when i couldn't find the voice to scream, i dreamed that i woke up in my old bed at my parent's house. i tried to throw a glass but i couldn't find the strength to pick it up. so i pushed it around, hoping that it would tip over and spill water.

then i woke up to the noises of marah's voice. she was talking in her sleep.

i went back to sleep and had a dream that i was a fly or something. when i woke up, marah was shutting the window. the flies were comming in from the back yard.

we listened to the unicorns and talked about our dreams. marah says she woke up and noticed me reaching my arms up in the air. like i was trying to grab something that wasn't there.

sleep is strange.

marah took me out to breakfast. we ate french toast and it was so good. and we talked about our movie ideas for jimmy, the existentialist. a simple movie with a subtle plot.

my dad is comming to pick me up soon. we're going to drive my late grandfather's cadilac down to vancouver because my grandmother is dying and she isn't going to need it anymore. i guess. i have no idea what's going on.

sam, vashon island

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