andrew's butt

May 05, 2005 14:48

maybe time, i will hurt
so much
that i will learn my lesson
and if it is not
painful enough
i will fake it

ever since i started working full time at the hospital doing valet, i've been able to see becca more often. this is always good. she cracks me up.

becca, andrew, joe and i were walking down the street the other night. becca just dumps a cup of water all over herself. no aparent reason whatsoever. i guess she decided it was wet tee shirt time and she was the only contestant.

last night, andrew bought over $100 worth of alcohol and we were going to invite all the girls over and drink with us. the problem was, we couldn't find any that wanted to come over. they were all busy doing their own thing. so we went to them.

joe called becca and she invited us out to the doubliner in freemount.

and actualy, we were able to pick up harmony.

funny thing. harmony and becca are friends. but they are so catty.

"we're going to hang out with becca," i told her.

"oh, im surprised she isn't fucking all you guys already," she said.

yeah. catty. but she apologised later. she said she was feeling emotinoaly frusterated and she would love to come with us to party with becca in freemont.

everybody got so drunk except me. i just watched everyone. i watched becca flirt with andrew and i watched some guy who looked like iggy pop try to hit on some cute girl named megan. and andrew offered to buy me drinks, but he never actualy did this. he was drunk.

"ill buy you a drink man!" he said. and then he ran away.

he drank over $60 worth of $1 wells. and drank them all to himself. and then some.

iggy pop was trying to impress megan with his intelectual discourse and bar behavior. specificly, how fucked up it was. megan and i were not impressed. ocassionaly, she'd just look over at me. look me in the eye. and we had a meaningful conversation.

"this guy's a total nut," she said. with just her eyes, of course.

"yeah. i never really understood how anybody meets anybody in bars," i said to her outloud.

she agreed.

so andrew and i are both trying to get with becca. i wasn't really feeling like putting too much effort into it last night. rough day with the car incident and everything.

"so do you want to get with becca because you're compatable or because you want to take her home?" harmony asked.

"that's a question a guy has to ask himself all the time," i said. to be honest, i don't really want either anymore. maybe i'm just moody.

this is the deep part:

"imagine two paralell lines," i said. "they are independant and able to exist on their own. and yet they are one unit. never touching, but never parting."

end deep part.

harmony smiled. "that makes me happy," she said.

"i don't think andrew has a chance," i said. "he's trying too hard. she's just playing games with him."

i got megan's phone number. i think she really wanted to give it to me because she kept saying that she comes to the doubliner every sunday and she always hangs out on the couches and she comes every sunday. every sunday. on the couches. she's easy to find. every sunday. on the couches.

"i don't come here much," i said. "so how about if i take your number?"

i really shouldn't be so hesitant to ask for girl's numbers. they come so easily.

it was time to go home, but andrew was still chasing after becca. i think they were fighting. it was a beautiful dance to watch. i remember when i was in andrew's shoes, fighting for that kiss from becca. becca would flock her feathers and then anderew would step in and then becca would move out of the way and andrew would puff out his chest. literally. cartoon!

becca is the kind of girl that is not afraid to look a guy in the eye. and linger. sultry. intemidating. mostly sultry.

megan and i were looking at eachother and she overhead something andrew said. i don't know what he said. something flippant and mysogynistic.

"he's an asshole," she said. "all he wants is to get laid."

harmony's boyfriend showed up and he gave joe and i ride home.

andrew went AWOL. he just couldn't give up persuit of becca. i guess becca, megan, andrew and all those kids went to iggy pop's house to drink more beer and keep the party happening.

harmony's boyfriend does auto body work. he said he could fix lucy up for under $1k. i am stoked about that.

joe and i stayed up until 4am, listening to modest mouse and sparklehorse and talking about love and dying.

this is another deep part:

i shared my paralell lines philosophy. he liked it. he added onto it. you can play two notes, independantly. and they are beautiful by themselves. but when you play two notes together in harmony, you get a chord. and they are two things and yet one thing.

okay. no more deep parts. that shit is depressing.

joe and i agreed that we were worried about andrew. i was afraid that he might end up doing a lot drugs and popping on his drug test. score himself the double d out of the millitary.

joe woke me up in the morning at 8am. good thing, too because othewise i'd be late to work? he wanted to know if i had andrew's number because he still wasn't home yet.

i took a shower and went to work. i got fired. i picked up my last paycheck and came home.

i met with the insurance agent to assess the value of my car. she took some pictures. she said that it probably wasn't going to be worth much. i'm pretty pissed off.

joe and i went to the beach. some guys were preparing their kites for some sort of windsurfing sport. some high school kids showed up with a lot of beer. all of them drove suvs.

on our way home, we stopped by becca's house. neil, becca's roomate, said that the andrew and becca just went to catch a bus. i picked them up and gave them a ride. becca went to work and andrew took us all to ihop.

andrew and becca got lucky. laid. scored. did the naked monkey dance. bumped uglies. sixty nined. made fuck.

actualy, i'm exagerationg. andrew doesn't pack rubber. so he didn't quite make it to home plate. his loss!

part of me is jealous. part of me doesn't give a fuck about anything anymore. most of me is actualy happy for andrew. he worked hard for that piece of ass and he deserved it.

"i want to get to know her better," he contests. "i'm not a fucking player."

"i'm jealous," i said to him at ihop. "why do i have to respect females?"

"i respect females!" andrew contested again.

"i should have known," i said. "becca just likes to be pushed around a bit."

"what are you talking about?" he asked. he looked over at the waitress, a cute redhead. she seemed not to notice out conversation. "atleast wait until the waitress is gone before you talk like that."

i seriously don't give a fuck.

actualy, the waitress came out with my waffles and she told me that since they were so screwed up, she was going to get me a second plate for free. but seriously, there was nothing wrong with them. then she couldn't get a second plate, so she said that my plate was half off.

not that i cared, cos andrew paid the bill.

she looked me in the eye. and she lingered. blue eyes and red hair. knocks me the fuck out.

you know what i should have done? asked for her number. but i feel akward asking for phone numbers from waitresses. or maybe i should have written my number on the comments card.

i don't know. now we're drinking beers at the apartment.

megan called me and apologised for calling andrew an asshole. he said he was a cute and adorable young man.

i guess becca spilled water on herself again. she was oggling over andrew's butt. both times.

the bad news is, andrew really did do a lot of drugs. let's just hope he doesn't get tested. cross your fingers!
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