shady as shit

Jan 04, 2005 16:27

in a job interview
do ask
"what is is this company going to do for me?"
or do you ask
"what can i do for this company?"

personaly, i'm sick of companies that have to prove themselves to me. it says to me that the job is shady. i don't like that.

i had a job interview today at 2pm. i walked in, unshaven and unkempt. and i left that interivew because i didn't want to work for the company.

it was a fundraising company. basicly, they hire me at $8 an hour to panhandle in the streets for people who arn't fortunate enough to do it themselves.

it was a group session interview. a man and a girl with ausie accents. a bunch of us sat around and they asked us questions about our work ethic and enthusiasm.

"is there something in your personality that would keep you from doing this job?" the girl asked me.

"if i was unable to place my faith in the company, i would not want to work for you," i told her.

"are you a cynic?" she asked.

"no, im just saying that if you hire me to go beg for money," i said. "and we all keep our share of the money so we can go home and buy wonderful things... i'm not sure if that's something i want to do."

basicly, i don't see the charity in any of that. it's bullshit.

i'm not very impressed with myself latley. i'm unemployed and i'm telling the world how fucked up it is. maybe tomorrow i'll grow up a little.

how does someone find a legitamate company to work for? i'm not sure if the classifieds are really working out for me. maybe entry level jobs in general are meant to suck. but i hate the shady business. i'd rather sweep floors and paint walls than any of this panhandle smoke and mirrors business.

i wrote a pretty good song last night. but i'm at the library and i didn't bring the lyrics with me. otherise i'd post them. but the lyrics arn't too good to read. like most pop lyrics, you can't really just read them. it always sounds so dorky that way.

the song itself has pretty good energy and flow so i'm pretty much happy with it. it's called my shell, which is pretty much dorky. but it has sentimental meaning to me. and so in short, it's a lousy song that means a lot to me. go figure.

but i'm happy. and it's time to move forward.

i have another job opertunity working for a tree doctor sort of company. they need someone to mannage all the apointments. i could see myself doing a job like that. it sure beats standing in the street and begging for money!

my brain has been dumped on the floor like a jigsaw puzzle. i have this vague picture i'm trying to go by, but it's totaly not working out. mainly because the picture on the box and the picture of the puzzle are two different takes of the same object. so it takes a little guesswork. but i think i'm getting there.

"what do you have to offer the team?" the girl asked me durring the interview.

i hate this question. to no end, it bugs me. mainly because i hate to bullshit. and i have to bullshit because this is probably the most difficult question for me to answer. what exactly do i offer the team?

"i don't know. i love teams. we all join together and accomplish a goal and then we all go home and eat cake. what can i say?"

at this point i realised that i'm not too creative for millitary journalism. i'm just too innapropriate for life. when am i going to get with the program? i don't know. is somebody going to hand me a script? what's the big plan, anyway?

"do you want this job?" the man asked me.

"i don't know. do i?" i asked. "why should i work here?"

"you're free to leave."


and there was something so liberating and depressing about my decision to leave the interview. i made a moral decision. i took a stand for what i believed in. however weak it was, it was still a stand. it was a stand for fuck you guys, i'm leaving.

famous last words, arn't they?


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