making money

Nov 06, 2004 12:33

things are good
i got the telemarketing job
actualy its different
its more like
online marketing consultant
because its more than sales
it's website anylist
and fun stuff like that

it took dawn afew days, but she called me back. she said she misses me and crap like that.

the commute to work is great! it takes less than half an hour and the place is 16 miles away. so that goes to show, the traffic isn't half bad. parking is another story.

monday, i was looking around the parkinglot for a place to park and i had to stop and ask for some direction because all the places were marked reserved. they told me to park anywhere.

"whats the deal with the hippie car?" a guy asked.

"i like it."

and now he's my boss. it's beautiful. he hardly looked at my application. he just shook my hand and told me to come in tuesday for training.

it's going to be hard work, but i'm going to enjoy it. i have to be quick of on my feet and quick in the brain. i'm calling up small business owners with websites and talking to them about their websites.

when you run a search on google, most people generaly stick to the first page of results. so a smart company will want to be on that first page of results. we talk to those smart companies and they buy our services.

we do three things. first, we improve the meta tags. lots of people don't know shit about picking good meta tags. they either have too many or not enough or none at all. and most often, they pick generic words. we do intensive market research into meta tags and we pick the most effective meta tags for our clients.

second, we submit the website two times a month to the 15 major search engines plus 8500 minor search engines. not a lot of people use the minor search engines, but it is important to submit to them because all the search engines communicate with eachother. the more you index your site under other search engines, the higher you will be listed on the search engine rankings. it's called link popularity. and it gets you closer to the first page.

last is our proprietary technology. we create directory information pages. we create legitamate duplicates of our clients websites, complete with full content. it's a legitamate website, which differenciates it from a doorway. doorways are illegal because they are blank pages that redirect webtraffic to the parent site. our directory information pages actualy refer the search engine back to the parent site for indexing. so rather than 2 submissions a month to any given website, we put in 40 - 60 times, depending on the service that our client signs up to.

the best thing is, there is no contract. our clients sign up on a monthly basis, so if the program doesn't work they can quit at any time. no loss to them. but the program does work. consistantly.

anyhow. how many of you want to buy my product?

tonight, sid and i are going to see the faint. i'm excited. but i'm dissapointed because that means i'll miss out on brian's show. he's playing an acoustic set tonight on vashon. i wish i could stick around and see it. but the faint is playing and we got tickets already.

i just bought a guitar. no money down because i'm broke. but the guy knows brian so he said he trusted me. it's an old vintage guitar from the 60s or 70s. its a little rough and needs some work, but i got it for $150 and i'm pretty stoked. it needs some new nuts and switches and it'll be fine. maybe i'll resell it on ebay for some profit.

i met a cute stoner chick at work named stephanie. she's pretty cool. she's a total hippie chick and fell in love with my car. we've decided to go out for lunch monday.

the only thing that pissed me off is that she slammed on people who buy designer clothing. she didn't seem to notice what i was wearing at the time. probably a $400 outfit. yeah. i love my expensive clothes. and i don't look like everybody else.

she's a little obsessed with being a hippie. she used the word hippie twenty times in our little conversation. and she kept talking about good energy and bad energy and flowing skirts.

some clients starting yelling at her on the phone. she pissed them off somehow. she jokingly blamed it on me and my negative energy. and i guess she's on to something. i have a habit of pissing people off. i just didn't realise how powerful my energy was.

isn't that a crock of shit?

rosco, this other guy i work with, is way cool. he has a deep sexy voice like morgan freeman. he is a great salesman. i gave him a ride before work one day so he could get his reading glasses. he told me about mushroom picking.

i think i have found a job where i can fit in. the people are fucking amazing. and talking to people on the phone will be good practice.

our apartment is small, but brian and i are going to work out fine. as soon as we find a place to put all this shit. my dad is comming up to help me build a bed. its going to be kind of a futon bunk bed sort of thing so save space.

we have two retired marines living in the building with us. they are a riot. i love the other people in our building. they're old, but they are young at heart. it reminds me of philip's gang in the dalles. last night they went to romp around in an old school and drink alcohol.

why does that sounds familiar?

i decided not to go with them. i was just so tired. i have been working 7am-4pm every day, getting adjusted. then after work i come home to a messy apartment where i spend my hours cleaning and painting the walls and waiting for brian to come home from work.

i signed up for hands on filmmaking classes with brian. we're going to film school once a week for four hours. it's good times. we got to run now to make our first film.
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