man power

Oct 29, 2004 14:23

trying to thing strait again
my ancient quest for badass
and my little misogynist stint
what does it all mean?
to be a man, that is
i just want to be a man

yes. my new quest is manhood. how does one exactly wear the pants? someone told me it's about making a dicision and sticking with it. following that logic, george w bush takes the cake. he's the manliest man of all. he sticks to his guns even when he's wrong.

rachel came home last night, so i couldn't sleep in her bed. her boyfriend was over, too. so i think three would be a crowd on her little couch bed. so i laid my sleeping bag out on brian's bed and we slept head to toe.

brian and i are moving into the atic sunday. thats about what our studio amounts to, an atic. i think if we were any other people than who we are, we wouldn't be able to do it. but we are who we is and there is no doubt in my mind. things will be beautiful.

our landlord is cool. he thinks of what to tell us before we think to ask. but that doesn't mean anything. i can be a little retarded when it comes to asking practical questions. he said another room will open up soon if we find ourselves crowded. that would be great, but i think we're too poor for another room.

i have a job interview monday morning. telemarketing. its 16 miles away from our new apartment, but i think thats okay. it pays a lot of money, so i'm not sure if i'm qualified. i'm going to have to put together a snazzy suit and tie for this interview.

i'll put on my best professional face and sell them a bunch of lies. thats what they want, right? because the truth is, i'm probably not qualified. its too good to be true.

think happy thoughts. think kittens. think lucy in the sky with diamonds.

speaking of lucy, she needs new oil and anti-freese. other than that, she likes seattle alright. brian and i almost died the other night. a city bus cut us off on the freeway. i swear to god, it just cut over two lanes of traffic and bogarted me into the median. lucky for us, lucy is a small car and i was able to manuver between the obsticles. lucy is a fucking champ. she sucks my cock.

realestate has opened up in this town. and actualy, i'm thinking about holding onto it. i don't feel like selling right now. the prices are dirt cheap. normaly, i'd say that's a perfect time to sell, but common sense has caught up with me. i don't even think i'll rent. i'll take this time to invest. till the land, so to speak.

my world is fairly strange. through the apearance of chaos and destruction, i'm actualy rebuilding. it is a land of paradox. not even i can understand it half the time. but is the glass half full or half empty? i understand myself half the time, and that's beatiful. because some people understand themselves none of the time and that's sad.

i'm not charles manson. i'm not ted bundy. i'm just josh guerci. and i have a lasting effect on people's lives. i inspire emotion.

brian just left. i offered a ride, but i guess he's fine. i guess i'll be fine too.

i'm going to start a new non-profit orginisation. it's called man power. its kind of like the male response to the feminist movement. it's not really a counter movement, but an answer. as the female's role in society changes, so does the man's. and the definition of man is ever changing. so i'm on a quest to figure it out. what does it mean to be a man? we're not really looking for rights or liberties, just answers. what does it mean to be a strong male in today society?
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