moving right along

Feb 15, 2004 11:04

this is the halfway point
everything changes
some people are uptight
i lost my mind
we are alone and unafraid
but we do it together?

i've been under a lot of stress and fn nowland perscribed a meathod of relieving stress. he reccomended the one a day plan. do you know what i mean? yes. killing sleaves.

lauren and i were talking about sex the other day and nowland was listening in.

"not right now, guerci," he said "your turning me on!"

and i never expected those words to come out of his mouth. they will forever ring in my ears. with laughter. with horror. what exactly did he mean? haha!

today is sunday and i woke up kinda late. actualy it was about nine o'clock when hasaan called me. it was like:


"yeah this is hasaan"


"dont bother coming down to laundry right away," he said

"so 1030?"

"yeah. chief doesn't know whats going on and neither do i so i said fuck it. lets wait half an hour..."


and so i waited in my rack until about 0945 when i realised i don't have a phone in my rack and that the entire phone conversation must have been a dream. that was a trip.

so i ran downstrairs and nobody was there. aparently he wanted everybody to muster in the hangarbay like normal people. but we havn't been doing that latley so i figured we'd just meet in laundry. i don't know. it's not easy being retarded.

sometimes when nobody is looking, i want to makeout with lauren. but it's best that i don't because maybe somebody would start looking right at the wrong moment and i'd be in a world of hurt.

by the way: does anybody want to check my hotmail? i don't want it to shutdown on me. thanks.

so sharma stopped me on the messdecks and told me to go to the deck office. i figured they were going to bitch me out about taking my sweet time at checking out of laundry and into the division. i've been checked out of laundry for 5 days and i'm not checked into deck so i'm in limbo. i could probably get in a world of trouble.

but no. they just wanted to have me sign up for the prt (physical rediness test) that we millitary chumps take twice a year. we have to run and do pushups and situps.

so everybdoy wants to know, when i consume alcohol how many drinks i generaly consume at a time. the big joke is: duh, one at a time! but i think they want to know how many drinks i have in one drinking session. so i told them i drank about eight beers and i smoke every day and i never use a condom when i fuck nasty ass hoes. yeah. i'm a badass motherfucker and i'm still gonna pass my prt!

and lauren is always on some tatoo site and stuff like that. she's a badass motherfucker, too. i want to makeout. but thats another story that i already said it all before...

i want a tatoo! so holmes: you said you found some picture ideas? send to my ship email and i'll love you forever. or atleast as long as i have the tatoo. which could be forever. of course, if my arm ever gets chopped off by a rotor blade of a passing fixed wing aircraft, my tatoo will probably go with it. so it's a cheap tatoo removal service. la-de-da.

i know where i'm going and i know when i'm going to be there. but according to the mannagment, i must be vague. operational risk mannagment and shit. oh wait... thats orm. i don't know what the fuck i'm takling about. it's all the same to me. so holmes: somehow i doubt we'll run into eachother.

here is an irrelevent story: i once knew a guy that was born in barsalona. i know he was born in barsalona because thats what his birth certificate said. and he owned eleven horses. i ate them all because secretly, i'm a chinese bastard. buhahaha!

she used to be an extension of my penis but now she's just the butt of my jokes. maybe one day she'll be an extension of his penis. i hope so too because he's a cool guy and needs a penis extension. don't we all? but i hope he doesn't get attatched because penis extension removal hurts. trust me. i know. la-de-da. players for life!

so yeah. i want to lick your ear. i want to suck your tongue. i want to nibble on your skin. and i want to squeeze you. the end.
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