the new people

Dec 03, 2003 16:22

stepping out of my element
i notice more and more
my quirks. my bizzare rituals

some people tolerate me
and some people don't...

joshua griffen took me too look at cars. chuck the vulture talked to griffen a while about his truck and then he started talking to me about buying a new car.

i told him i wanted an ecomicicly sound, small, preferably vintage automobile to get me places. it had to be a manual transmission. he wanted to sell me a new grand am. most of his cars were automatic.

we checked my credit and it was blank.

he sent me out to look at cars while he talked to other costomers. he said he'd come see me in "a bit" but half an hour later i am standing infront of him, insisting his attension.

he took me out to see a 2000 nisan altima and i was impressed.

"what do you say we go inside and see what kind of loan you approve for?" he asked.

i havn't even driven the car yet and he expects me to buy it?

"i want to see how it drives."

so the fucker takes ten minutes to go back to his office and get the keys.

we drive around the block.

anybody who's driven with me knows what kind of experience this can be.

"put in the clutch," he said.


"all the way," he said.

ooops. i adjust the seat.

"can you drive stick?"

"fuck yeah. let's roll this joint and smoke it!"

and i reverse out of the parkinglot as quickly as i can. because. i'm g-unit slambaccon pimp like that.

i stalled the bitch once because it's been a while and it was a deep clutch. lucy is small.

"josh is a good driver," the vulture pampers me as we pull back into the dealership.

so if i was to finance that car with my credit, the cost would come out to $28k for the 2000 nisan altima.

"call me a jew but i'm not going to buy the first car i drive," i told him.

i don't think he got the picture.

there were no other cars i was remotley intorested in because they were either too big or too lame (automatic transmission).

"i think i'm going to give it some time, explore my other options," i said.

"sure, you might find a car someplace else but you might get ripped off," he said.

"look at all these pictures around here. friends brought these people in. friends don't bring friends in to get ripped off," he said.

"we look out for our costomers," he said.

"then i'll go prove your theory true," i told him.

"do you want to go ride the taxi and catch buses everywhere?" he asked.

"yes. i do."

and i left.

as i went home i talked to my dad about my experience. at first he got all excited (upset) because he thought i was seriously looking at cars. he didn't quite see the humor in pulling a vulture's tail, but i was amused none-the-less.

i decided against calling this girl i've been stalking online. i've creeped her out enough already. i'll leave her alone.

i was rather dissapointed by her last entry. it's understandable that she's creeped out by the guy from the national deffense information center for cryptology, even if all he wants is to give a survey. it's just that she wants to go to starbucks with her friends. anybody who goes to starbucks is just not worth stocking.

and it's so legit to follow people's links. why else are they there? if someone leaves the front door open, they are just asking for people to come in and have themselves a bowl of cereal in their kitchen and maybe even take a shower. yeah!

...okay i'm a creepy fuck. i should give up.

lisa and i agreed that if she wasn't too busy we'd meet at the anti-flag concert on the 2nd. i looked forward to it all day and bought two tickets. then she called and said she was too busy. i didn't cry. i just went by myself.

punk shows are a trip and a half. they are so creepy. it's like mass hystaria. all these clones standing around, wearing false personas. they argue for causes they know nothing about.

why do people hate bush? because he "stole" the election? according to who? his rivals? and they critisize him for his war on terrorism being too "millitant" but i'd be critisizing the terrorists. sometimes violence is the answer! like a kid getting pushed around on the playground.

"stop! stop!" screams the little french kid.

the american kid would punch that iraqi bastard in the face.

"im so glad to see so many people using their minds," said the lead singer. "people comming together and treating eachother like family. the punk rock scene is your family!"

and it was so cult-like. everyone cheered together. they sang in unison. they were the peace nazis. there was no goose stepping or marching or burning books, but they shook fists.

"we hate homophobia!" the lead singer shouted.

"people should stop fighting and work things out with words!" shouted the bassist. "bless those that are too smart to fight and too smart to die for their country because the blood of millitarism destroys a nation!"


kids wore shirts that said stuff like "no one is free when other people are opressed."

what the fuck does that mean? it's baisic stuff here... the servant is in shackles and the master is the one with the whip, free to use it as he pleases.

then after the show, all the punks climb into their ford trucks and honda civics.

have you ever heard of henry ford or harry truman? don't get me started.

america didn't kick spanish ass and "steal" pannama, do you think henry ford would have been half as succesful? if america didn't drop the atom bomb on japan, do you think they'd start making affordable automobiles for americans?

japan doesn't make the cars for themselves for sure. those "japanese" cars are too big to drive on japanese roads.

so i meet up with lisa after the show. we had a grand time in the middle of the night. i think she looked kind of like ciera. she's also a grammar nerd like sid. she works at a radio station producing radio broadcasts in the field.

i hardly know her yet. but she kicks ass. see?

a girl emailed me. she works at a coffee shop. i think that's cool. they have poetry reading and open mic. i miss portland!

i miss a lot of things from home. some of the comforts have their counterparts in nofuck. some of the comforts cannot be replaced.

i will never forget. haha!

thought of the day: holly cow...

you are violet
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
the html color quiz

i'm not sure how acurate that was, but it amuses me.
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