stupid boy

Nov 30, 2003 14:12

two things hurt me deeply:
when you do nice things
and they take advantage of you
when you do nice things
and they are too stupid to apreciate it

he aproached me at mcdonald's.

"are you from the roosavelt?" he asked.

"no," i said.

"are you going to be here long?" he asked.

i wasn't sure what to say, so i blinked my eyes.

"i forgot my car keys on the ship," he said "can you watch my bags?"

and so the chris kreig adventures began with his clumsiness. it was only the begining.

when he returned he offered me a ride. i wasn't sure whre i was going, but we went to the navy surpluss store where i bought a pair of bellbottom jean dungerees. they are so hot. and i got my "sir eddie" goggles (who the fuck is sir eddie?).

chris is a clutz. within the first hour of knowing him, he had forgotten his bags on his ship, forgotten where he parked his car, and he told me a story about how he forgot his dress blue trousers at his aunt's house.

he hates the navy and wants out. he doesn't like all the "bullshit". he doesn't like chits. the dental service doesn't suit his dentured needs.

he's 25. when he was in college, he didn't have dental insurance so he lost two of his front teeth. he wears little temporary dentures and they keep falling apart. i wonder: is it a poor product or is it user error?

i bought tickets to the third eye blind concert and invited him to go with me. i didn't want to go alone and he seemed like he needed to get out some more.

i would much rather have gone with a girl, but i don't know any. and these days i've been more focused on freaking girls out rather than getting to know them.

i'm on isn't that cute?

anyhow, so chris is 25. he calls his mom and argues about buying a digital camera. it's a samsung model from wallmart and it costs $85 but his mom thinks it's too expensive. they argue forever. i thought i was a mamma's boy. this guy take the cake.

he's never been to a concert in his life.

we got a hotel room and he started watching tv. iorn giant is a slick movie, but it was getting time to go eat some dinner.

"but you havn't seen iorn giant yet," he said, almost complaining.

"i havn't gone out to dinner with you yet, either. movies can wait but times like this only happen once."

i don't think he got it.

he wanted to get takeout but i told him no. going out is all about sitting down, damnit.

"is it going to get crazy?" he asked as we walked into the show. "are they going to get rowdy up in the air?"

"i think this is going to be a chill show," i told him, confidently.

the first opener was an accoustic guy. he covered a bruce springsteen song.

after he got off, the house music came on. girls behind us danced with their boyfriends, singing along to the rolling stones. i can't get no satisfaction.

"they like to dance," chris said to the boyfriends.


"you should let them dance."


"people pay big money for that kind of thing."

"what are you trying to say big guy?" i asked him, nervously.

"yeah, these girls like to dance," the boyfriends said.

"is she going to show some skin?" he asked.

it went downhill from there. no fights broke out, but i was about to innitiate one. just rip his fucking fat boy face off.

billy tallent came on and chris was frightened when some asshole started crowd surfing. no mosh pit. only one surfer. he was scared.

the singer screamed a lot and the guitarist played all these diminished melodic riffs. the melodies went over chris's head. that was to be expected.

"we're canadians, so you'll have to forgive us," the lead singer said inbetween songs. "i know what you're thinking, who are these faggots up on stage?"

the band had potential, but they did some things that were just lame. the singer looked like steve buchemmi (plus) and when he wasn't screaming like a hardcore punker he sounded like an enraged chipmunk (plus) but he made a crack about michael jackson (big lame-o) and his vocals got boring. it's too easy to make fun of michael jackson. give the guy a break. so he molests kids? big deal. that doesn't mean you have to make fun of him, does it?

chris dumped me at the show. it was too loud.

i apologised to the girls and their boyfriends after billy got off the stage. they were some kick ass kids. i'd like to be their friends but i'm not really all that good at this stuff. i just feel awkward entering a social group.

the show was great. third eye blind arn't my favorite band, but i liked the show. they did this little accoustic set in the middle of the show that made me smile.

after the show, i called chris to pick me up. i felt kinda bad getting him to drive out at midnight to find me, but it was his fault. he missed out on a great show with his pussy attitude. but it was all for the best that he left because he embarassed the fuck out of me.

the fat black chick at the gas station was cute. i walked up with my bottled water and she just stared at me as if she forgot she was working.

"i'm sick," she said.

"that sucks," i said.

that was it, really. but it made me smile.

thismorning i saw some of my buddies. raines and seiler. raines was bummed that he didn't know about the third eye blind show. i was bummed that he wasn't there with me, too. seiler was bummed that he missed out on all the girls that were there. i was bummed too because he probably could have helped me meet some people. but we can't live life with regrets can we? there will be another show. maybe not third eye blind, but a different band with different girls.

"are you on drugs?" seiler asked me.

sid asked me that earlier.

"you talk like you're on something," he said.

i don't get it. maybe i am on drugs and just don't know it yet.

we went to the mall and we looked at movies and cds.

"don't you think it's strange for 17 brothers to join the army and be stationed together?" he asked, picking up the movie "a band of brothers"

i'm not sure if he was joking or if he was just an idiot. the fact that i am not sure is frightening enough.

and now i read mail. i got something from a girl that makes me smile...

a story is told by lisa
There was once an elf named Anders. Anders lived in the elf village and minded his own business. He was a skilled cobbler and made all the elves the finest shoes. One day Anders was slaving away at some shoes for a patron and a beautiful girl walked in. Anders, being an elf, had no place to talk to her, but wanted to all the same. His master came out and tended to the girl, but all the while Anders was staring at her intently. As she left, leaving her shoes behind, she winked at Anders and his heart shook like a tree branch.

Anders worked tirelessly on the girl's shoes. He put to use all his cobbling expertise and crafted her shoes into those the likes the world had never seen. They practically gleamed in the light, and their comfort was unmatched by any bed ever crafted. He could hardly wait to see her reaction when she put them back on her feet.

Finally the day came when the girl returned to try on her newly repaired shoes. Anders was sitting near the front when his owner greeted the girl. He peeked around the edge of the wall to gaze once again upon her smile. When she put the shoes on her feet and he saw her eyes light up like christmas trees, he felt a rush of warmth throughout his body that he'd never experienced before.

The girl looked beyond the owner to Anders and smiled deeply. He felt the same warmth spreading through his body until the owner looked back and chased him away, calling him a worthless, incompetant slave. Anders feelings were so hurt that he spent the rest of the day in silence, fixing shoes and not looking up from his work until it was time for him to go to sleep on his cold haystack.

The next morning when he awoke, there was a note lying beside his bed. "Meet me in the barn outside the cobbler's home at dawn," it said. The handwriting was beautiful and elegant, the likes of which could only come from a woman. He felt immediately that it was from the girl. Despite the danger of being caught and forced into elf banishment, he decided this was his one chance to find true love and so he set out to the cobbler's barn. He had only been a few times before on errands for the master himself, so he made slow progress and was just urging the barn door open when the first rays of the sun slipped over the horizon and onto the land.

The hazy, grey morning light illuminated inside the barn just enough that he could make out the shape of the girl. "I can't believe you called me here," he said.

"But you are an excellent cobbler," she replied. "I want nothing more than to exalt you for your skill."

He was beyond smitten at this point. No one had ever pointed out his skill, much less complimented it. He walked toward the girl with a smile on his face that he'd never felt before. Not only was he happy, but he felt that he'd finally been accepted by another.

As he walked toward the smiling girl with his arms outstretched, he noticed a movement in the eaves above him. Looking up, he saw the master aiming his rifle at him. He stopped in terror just before the bullet hit him. As it passed through his skull he thought about how much the girl really looked like an excellent female version of the master and finally put two and two together. The last thing he saw was the tear pooling in her left eye as he fell to the ground.
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