the last few days

Mar 13, 2006 13:05

-----------blue eyes---------- people with blue eyes are very attractive, adorable, loves to make new friends. will do anything for that special person. kind, and polite. can make anyone laugh or cheer them up. loves to please the one they care or love for, repost this if you have blue eyes, and you will find the one that you are meant to be with within the next 7 days.

Attractive personality. sexy. Affectionate Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Great kisser. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others. If you repost this in the next 5 mins, you will meet your new love in 8 days.

i saw that and thought it was pertty cool... to tell the truth it matches me damn go figure....
anyway it's my lunch break again.. so i thought it would be cool to update alittle...
first up. My B-day went perty cool last week. i tried to update about this before but...i diden't... so i'm doing it now.
alright cheak this.. this is how i know that mom isen't the biggest bitch in the world... while i was at work she called me up and told me to come over.. somthng about a preseant... so i did and god damn! she went all out for me... i guess she felt alittle sorry for me or somthing but she went out and bought me a lobster dinner with backed potato and a huge saled... if you don't know this is one of my favorit dishes. oh god i chowed down. i was so stuffed... but then she brought out a choclet cake with "Happy 20th Russell" writen on top. and she even got ice cream... now i was already ful but man it looked so good i had to have some. .. well after i got even more
she went to the closet and pulled out a preasent.. o_o "No way" (yeah i was shocked) she got me a brand new huddie!! ^_^ it has carona ad on it lol. i love it now. it fit and everything. oh i was so happy. knowing that was the only gift i got for anybody. i was so happy i coulden't help my self... i kid you not i started tearing up. my mom did everything she could to make me have a nice B-day. and it was..
i went home happy! ^_^
then the next day. i got to hang with kenny!!! yeah my oldest friend. he came over to see me. oh god that was fun. we got a few things to drink that night and just had a kick ass party. if you ever see him he would tell you it was fucking awsome. lol i got so wasted! lol
i had like 6 caronas, 4 tequila sunrises and 3 vinila zodkas and coke. so yeah wasted is saying it litely.
saterday was cool also. knowing i was hungover like a motherfucker. and i felt like shit the intire day. but anyway, kenny had to leave early but he left "Rresident evil 4" at my place so the whole morning i was playing that game. i got like 6 hours in it. and i was kicking ass. but then mikes uncle came over to get him. his niece becky was haveing a B-day party also. hers is a day after mine. well i remeber her telling me i was invited and mike asked me then if i wanted to i shruged and said what the hell. so got dressed and went. it wasen't all bad either. i mean i actualy had fun. there was plenty to eat and hell with all the kids running around i coulden't be bored... lol yeah i was kindof a babysitter. but it wasne't bad. i had fun.. yes i'll admit it i had fun at a 14 year old B-day party lol. oh and the best thing happened also... becky got alot of preasents but when me and mike were fixing to head out she ran up to me and huged me and told me that me comeing over was the best preasent ever... oh god i felt so like a hero!! ^_^

well anyway after the party me and mike went and stayed over at mikes sisters place. i was tired so i concked out on the couch perty fast. lol well the next morning. i woke up and every one else was still asleep so i tried to play RE4 again. well woulden't you know it when i tried to loed up the save from the memory card... fucking curupted date!!! i was pissed! but i started it again.... this time it toke me less time to get where i was before... but when i saved it agian and tried to play it at my house. it was crupted again.. but now i got a better memory card and it works now so yay on that.
so anyway my B-day and my weekend went by great! i injoyed it all.... oh i almost for got
"She still loves me".. ^_-

soooo till next time
bye bye ::waves:: ^_^
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