Wow, long weekend

Mar 30, 2008 22:38

I meant to sit down and start writing my adventures yesterday but kept getting distracted.  At least I have an excuse.  I was the first on in at Stanford so I had time to give 3 units of platelets . . .my brain is deprived (NO, not depraved, deprived).  Always an adventure to go and do that.  Being a bit of an attention whore, all the adoration of the tech is so nice.  Yes, I know they are nice to everyone, but they make it seem like you are the most special of all.

This time I watched Daredevil.  I had seen it, possibly in the theatre, when it came out.  I think I might have been more impressed with it this time.  Maybe just a different frame of mind.  This time I was more aware that for people like me, who actually grew up reading these comics books, it really does capture the flavor.  Yeah, yeah I know a lot of us want them to appeal more to us as adult, but there's something to be said for transporting us back to lying with our feet propped up on the back of the couch where we are hiding cuz mom will have fits we are STILL not doing our chores. :D

Although I never personally purchase any, I saved my money for REAL books I intended to have forever. (And ,which, I do not because of one crisis or another)  But I had a friend whose brother, among his other totally intriguing virtues, bought them as soon as they came out.  And when I would go over and spend nights and weekends with her, I would catch up on all of them.  She read the icky ones . . .well, not icky, I just didn't have much use for the Archies.  Give me Spiderman and Superman and the Hulk.

So, from that perspective, it works very well.  The villains were incredibly one dimensional.  The special effects were good.  The angst palpable.  I enjoyed more this time than the last.

Yes, speaking of Linda.  Have I mentioned her here or was it in a locked post? 
We became best friends on the first day of kindergarten.  Some boy was picking on her and I defended her.  I would be her shadow, confidant and defender for most of the next 12 years.  It's funny to talk to her now.  I always perceived her as popular.  At just over 5 foot and a petite frame, with almost waist length blond hair and startingly,   blue eyes I always thought she awesome.  She was also much more outgoing than me.  I was a geek and shy and gangly, more interested in reading the newest scifi book or messing around with my chemistry set than talking to mere humans.  Yes, although I had an inferiority complex on some levels, I was also always aware that in some of the way it counted most, I outshown most humans.  LOL

So we spent our childhoods together.  Her house was kind of a refuge.  It was the first place I realized that my family was very, very broken.  Oh, here's had it's problems.  Her mom was an alcoholic and made some bad relationship choices.  But there was affection and no beatings.  She has had it harder than me, though, as an adult.  Both her parents and her  younger sister have passed away.  She was close to all of them.  Her brother has never gotten his life together, still struggling with alcohol and drug.  She's also lost close friends, some who were my friends as well but I moved away and lost touch with them all.  Just weird to know there are people still living the same lives as their parents.  Some in the same house that they grew up in.  And these women who, honestly, barely tolerated me sometimes because I was so 'weird' now admire me for being an adventurer.

Is it being an adventurer when you have to keep running because you need to be safe and not because you want to see new things?  Well, I guess that's only true for the first few.  Colorado was more a choice for change.  And California . . .well . . .::sigh::  It's funny that someone like me, who has done massive local changes, can get so freaked out about going to a strange place.  I mean, it's like I have two modes.  "I MUST Move" and "I'm Safe, I don't want to go anywhere".  And it's totally exciting and exhilarating when I move and I have to scope out new places, find new route, discover new things.  But then I settle in and I kind of take root.  And depression sets in and I get scared and need some anchor.

::more sighs:: That was what was nice about Alan.  He was my anchor.  Mike was, sort of.  I can do okay with a person with me.  It's just weird.  With a comrade, I am fearless.  But . . well, there's nothing wrong with putting down roots and accepting that I am just who I am and . . . ::sigh::

Speaking of comrades, I have a 'date' tomorrow with the insistent little boy from Okcupid.  I don't think it will go well.  He's a Dom and although I repeatedly told him I am NOT a sub and will not be bullied, he kept trying.  I figure the best thing is for us to meet, him do something stupid and me slap him down. .literally if necessary.  He is intriguing.  We do have a number of interests in common.  But there's more to a good companion than similar interests.  There's a  . . .  something.  I think it's smell.  I even told him that was why I was agreeing to meet.  I wanted to smell him. :D

While I was chatting with the young man, a person popped up on my "online fav" list and I clicked before I realized it was one of the little broken girls Mike is trying to fix.  But I marked her "dead' and took her out of my fav and hopefully she won't notice I visited her profile.  It was a total accident.  Because even seeing her face makes me angry.  I suppose it COULD be jealousy.  I . . . don't know.  The only women I have hated are women who came between me and Mike.  I just don't know what he sees in them.  Is the sex that good?  Does it stroke his ego that much to befriend unhappy married women and have them fawn all over him.  I realized, I think several times, that he seems to only be attracted to married women.  I was married when I met him.  Of course, you would think I would be irresistible to him since I'm about the unhappiest married woman on the planet now. LOL  Ah, well, it's over now.  We will never be what I saw us being.  ::cries:: I miss my cohort so much sometimes.  But I missed my sanity when I was with him more.  This is, I guess, for the best.

I was a bit disappointed with SoulGeek.  I did a search and there was none who listed World of Warcraft as an interest.  But I went back tonight, because I wanted to grab the profile shot that I had edited and save on my office drive, and decided  just see if there was a nice selection of anyone in the 40-60 range, no WoW necessary.  And I have to say . . . I might actually pay for it.  There were seven pages men, mostly in their early 40s--must be a time men divorce or something.  Many listed MMORPG as a strong interest.  Or maybe I won't.  The window for meeting people is so small.  ::sigh::  I'm halfway through it.  I'll run out of energy before I get anywhere.

Oh w00t, w00t, w00t
jazdewills added me to WarcraftSocial.  YAY   It's getting better there all the time.  HOLY COW!  I did a search on BOYD to see if any other guild members had joined and there are two other BOYD guilds represented on WarcraftSocial.  And so I popped over to the Armory and O M G there are 40 Bring Out Your Dead guilds.  We totally started something.  Now I want to make a char on every realm with a BOYD guild and join just because . . .well, I can.  LOL  Like I have enough time with the stuff I already do.  I've actually created a few characters on other realms to play when I need 'me' time on WoW.  I even made a Draenai hunter.  They are pretty cool.

Okay, bed time.  Need to get my strength back. 

relationships, online communities, dating, life, gwenny, online dating, world of warcraft, mmorpg

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