Dec 09, 2004 17:37
Ya last night i had a chorus concert it was kinda gay and hot as fuck in the gym cuz we sang with all the little kids but they were cute then my sister scrathed the shit outta my wrist and clawed me so i have huges scrapes and they hurt like a bitch!! IM GONNA CHOP HER FINGERS OFF!!this isnt her first time i have scars from her cuz she only uses her fucking nails and doesnt punch or was kinda gay too i hate my fucking teachers except mrs woodworth and mrs chandler! but I FUCKING HATE MR ARENDT!! he a douche bag who doesnt know how to fucking teacher history..he has to go back to drivers ed..i was getting a D+ on report cards in his class and was missing like 5 things and now im missing one and im getting a D..i went does that work?? his grading scale is up his ass..he smells like shit too ya oww i scrathed my scabs from tess and its bleeding so im gonna put band-aids on this shit..peace
Read it SIGN IT!**
Love always Reina Megan Proft
P.S..Tamara Nicole Severinsen i love you with all of my heart!!