this is what my head must look like before i fall asleep at night...

Apr 04, 2006 10:56

So, I've been thinking about something for a little while.


To UF, namely. In all reality, they were supposed to have a better Science program. While the English department at FSU is insanely awesome, English really isn't what I'm going for. However, just how much of a difference would my undergraduate education at UF be compared to FSU? Would it really be that much better? Is it really that much more well known? In truth, undergraduate courses are so basic... I mean, Organic Chemistry is going to be Organic Chemistry, Plant Biology is going to be the same, Genetics... ect ect. Actually, our Chemistry department is very prestigious... we have people like Buckminster Fullerene and Robert A. Holton (creator of Taxol) for example. It seems that UF would undoubtedly be a better place for graduate research, but as far as undergraduate studies go, I can't see that much of a difference. I've been trying to find the numbers of rank, but it's not like one could ask a school representative for an unbiased answer. If anyone had a definitive answer, I'd be grateful. Ah, so pros and cons, then.

University of Florda
1. They are supposed to have a better-known overall science department.
2. I'd get to live with Felicia and Katie.
3. I'd be closer to home.
4. I'll repeat the better-known science department a few hundred times.

1. It really may not make that much of a difference in undergraduate coursework.
2. It may be harder for me to find DIS.
3. Moving will be a pain (but pretty much a nonissue).
4. I'd have to learn a new campus (but again, pretty much a nonissue).

Florida State University
1. DIS is pretty cool. Dr. Li was talking about my future honors thesis, and it looks excellent on your transcripts. If I don't fuck anything up, she'll write an awesome letter of recommendation. (Unless she thinks I'm like Kim, whom she didnt think would make it to Graduate school).
2. I wouldnt have to move, I'm comftorable here, and I wouldn't have to learn a new campus.
3. I'd get to stay with all of my old friends.

1. The main one, really. Is their science department really markedly inferior to UF?

DIS vs. overall education!! I wish I had a balance.
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