Dec 16, 2003 16:01
Hey every one I know its been a while but Im back ... Kind of :-p any way for some new news :-p. Monday was 2 months :) heh ummmmm I got lauren som pretty cool presents :) and of what I have heard she got me a REALLY cool one too :). Well other then that i guess every thing is same old same old... oh yeah before i forget ... every one should IM Sarah and wish her a happy birthday ^.^ shes finally 18 ^.^ go Sarah. :) well happy birthday to you girl :) I hope its a fun one for you. :-p
Random quotes for today....
-=He who wills death apon fellow man wishes death on himself=-
-=Birthdays are happy when you are younger but become depressing as you get older and get closer to death=-
-=Life and time are directly proportional. If you waste time you are wasting life=-
-=Ingorance is stupid but being ingorant does not make one stupid=-
-=Apples that fall from trees are always less tasty then the one out of your reach untill you get it=-
-=Suicide is illegal but smoking is legal=-
-=Life is a safe waiting for some one to crack it=-
-=Life is bad to you at bad moments as well as at good moments=-
-=If the peice fits put it there=-
-=If life were easy there would be no challenges=-
-=13458784563*647487494*0*6546518*6518454*6796513219*4564879413*64654797 will always equal 0=-
-=Math is like a get away from life... it challenges you just as much=-
-=Life drains the soul ... so what fills it?=-
-=The size of the boat doesn't matter but it takes a long time for a row boat to travel from New York to London=-