it's been awhile...

Aug 25, 2005 13:27 I hadn't realized just how long it has been since I've updated, until Jody called me the other day to make sure I was Last Monday I moved in here at was an all-day ordeal. It was really weird when my parents left..especially since every else's parents in my apartment were still there. So I just cleaned up my room and got everything the way I wanted. I forgot everything I needed to hang up stuff on my walls, but luckily Ash had a hammer and nails :) I will post pictures of the hotness that is my room soon (aka-when I have the money to buy a computer and I don't have to update from the computer lab lol). So anyway..the first week here was pretty cool. We didn't have any classes so there wasn't much to do. We all went grocery shopping together on the first night..then two of my roommates left for home on Tuesday and Wednesday, so it was just me and Ash for most of the week. But it was cool. We got to walk around and meet people and look around the campus. I met this girl Tabitha, who Ash met at orientation. She is soo nice. We've all been hanging out a lot. It's great to be so close to AJ too. We get to see each other almost every day, so that is awesome. Saturday night there was a Frat party that we went to. It was..interesting. There were a lot of older people and we felt a little weird there so we didn't stay for all that long.

My classes started this week. I was extremely nervous Monday morning before going to my first one, but it wasn't so bad. For the most part my classes are really small (as in like 10 people in my English class, and 12 in my KSU 1101 class). Oh yeah, I also had to switch around all my classes so I could get English 1102..that was fun, not really. College is strange...but I like it so far. Yesterday AJ walked me to my History was cute :) I can't understand a word my History professor says though..he's Chinese and has a really heavy that is just wonderful. He has every single word he says on powerpoints though, so it shouldn't be too bad.

This post would be a lot longer if I had more time, but I am about to have to go to my English class so I'm going to have to cut it short. I will update again in a few days and try to be a little more detailed. It's really weird not having a computer at my disposal 24/7..but I'm getting used to it. I'm spending the night with AJ tonight (it's 2 months today lol) and we're going to look up stuff on computers and try to find the best deal. I'm hoping I won't have to go for very much longer without one, but I guess we will see. I've been trying really hard to save my money.

I was going to come home this weekend for the Heritage game..but it's looking like I won't be able to because I have to go to the Convocation Ceremony on Sunday, and gas is freakin expensive as hell. So I might be in Conyers next weekend, but chances are it won't be until September 9th that I go back (for the Homecoming game/my belated birthday celebration).

Hope everyone is doing well..leave me some comments and update me cause I haven't been able to read anyone's journals!
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