i just wanna see you a lil more..i just wanna dream of you some more

Aug 07, 2005 22:48

Wow..I have a lot to write about. Or at least I think I do. So this might be a long post..

K, first of all. I was in the worst mood EVER yesterday. I almost got hit 3 times on my way to Suwanee. I was like screaming in my car..it was major road rage. Not to mention that I was just being a complete bitch. I dunno what my problem is sometimes. Sometimes I just turn into this brat that gets pissed off whenever I don't get my way. I'm working on it. But anyway, once I got to AJ's and I got to see him and hug him and kiss him, everything was immediately okay. I went with him and his friend Joe to their apartment so they could sign the papers (with their other roommate/friend James). It was pretty cool getting to see where he's going to be living starting this week. I'm excited about it. So we were going to go to the 99x concert..but AJ was tired and I didn't really care one way or another, so instead we just went back to his house and chilled lol. Joe was online doin stuff for the apartment and lookin at computers for AJ as I watched tv/movies with AJ, his mom, and her bf. It was a nice night. I kept almost falling asleep though. I spent the night there in their guest bedroom..and AJ woke me up this morning with a kiss :)

Ok so moving on to today. I went to mass with AJ and his mom. I was so freaking nervous. It has been sooo long since I've even been to church, not to mention a Catholic church..so I was a little intimidated. It went well though..and I liked it. I'm really glad I got to go. I could definitely get used to it. After church we went to Taco Mac for lunch, then to about a million different stores. Blah blah blah..anyway, now to the best (and by best I mean freaking worst) part of the day. We were going home (tomorrow is my brother's bday and we were having a bday dinner for him and aj was invited too so we were both driving to my house)..and we were getting off 285 onto 20 when all of a sudden AJ's car hydroplanes and goes completely out of control. I was right behind him so I saw it swerve and cut across all 3 lanes and go into the ditch and hit a huge sign. I freaked out. I was screaming and I couldn't stop saying "Oh my God! Oh my God!" I had to pull over the first chance I got and try to calm down. I was huffing and puffing and crying. It was awful. The worst part was that I couldn't get over in time to actually be close to him..I had to go past him and I couldn't even see if he was okay or not. I was so scared..I've never been in a situation like that. So I grabbed my phone and just hit the button to call the last person I had called, cause I thought it was him..but then I realized I had called my house last..so my step mom answered and I was freaking out and crying and she was trying to calm me down. Finally I got to talk to AJ and he said he was okay, his car didn't even really have much damage, but a cop came along and he thought he was gonna get a ticket. It was definitely not the greatest experience. I felt sooo bad for him..but I was (and still am) really really really thankful that he is okay. If there had been any cars in those other lanes...agh..I really don't even want to think about what could have happened. I realized just then how much he means to me and how much I really and truly do love him. Gah..

Err..anything after that is going to sound really superficial and pointless.
But dinner went well..my parents both like him..and he's coming to Sunday breakfast next week, so I'm excited about that.

I move in a week from tomorrow.

And I figured that we haven't taken pics in awhile, so I took a few tonight

lol he was laying on my bed and I thought he looked so cute..but I had to stuff my teddy bear up under his arm to add some more cuteness to the picture haha

okay so we have a little dilemma...he gets cold really easily..and i get hot really easily..except when i get hot, i get real sick..so basically my room is like an icebox. so i went to the restroom and came back to find him curled up under my ksu blanket that he bought me..how freaking adorable :)

and now for some unflattering pics of me

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