Jan 05, 2009 22:47
NAME: Manda
LJ: roxora
AIM/Y!M/MSN: jibun woooo/ n/a / kagamine[at]live.com
EMAIL: oblivion.oathkeeper[at]gmail.com
NAME: Len Kagamine / "Roadroller"
SERIES: Vocaloid
PERSONALITY: To most people, Len is a very nice kid...! He's helpful when he needs to be, he makes friends ( somewhat ) easily, and is an overall nice guy to be around. However, his personality can take a total 180 towards his brother Kaito... and other people he dislikes! Though he knows Kaito only... acts the way he does because he's trying to act like a proper older brother, Len can't help but to feel embarrassed constantly. 8( He frequently berates his brother and facepalms at him a lot. On a good day, he'll probably tease him or something because that's what little brothers do...! Though he can also show a loving side towards his woobie bro. ;o; His feelings towards his sister, Rin, though, are very different--! Since they're twins, they're naturally a lot closer to each other than to her brother; Len would do anything for his sister, no matter how crazy it is. ... He may go fighting, but he'll always end up doing it in the end, sob whipped. ;A;b
Towards people he doesn't like, however, Len can be a downright little snot! He'll start ignoring people if they get too annoying, and might even start being annoying to them back! If he's up to it, he'd play tricks on the other party. He's also... very terrified of perverts because he gets them a lot for some inane reason and they always think he's a girl. When embarrassed or flustered in this kind of situation, he'll get kinda jittery and spazzy until someone coaxes him back into reality.
CLASS IN "SOL INVICTUS": Shamanic Griot ( bard )
STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES: Being a level 15 Shamanic Griot, Len functions as both an offensive and support character. Due to his affinity for singing, his character fights through song, and specializes in status effects; he can give his allies stat boosts and heal them of ailments like poison, while afflicting negative spells on enemies. He wields a guitar, which is usually more for show than anything. ): But he can bash enemies if he runs out of SP or something! As for attack magic, Len specializes in fire! Just because Kaito loves ice cream ha ha so mean.
However, his feelings towards his family and friends may also affect him from a fight! For Kaito, for example, he might... be a jerk and PK him if he got too annoying one time. 8( For Rin, though, he'd totally take a deathblow for her. His bickering with his party members can also be distracting, and there's been more than one occasion where he's gotten killed because he was too busy yelling at his brother. )': Skillwise, he's pretty good with attack ( both magical and physical ), but his defense...kind sucks--and he's weak to ice. Use bufu skills!!!
BACKGROUND: A fourteen-year old high school student in real life, Len Kagamine is the little brother of Kaito and twin of Rin Kagamine. The siblings' parents were killed in a car accident when they were young; as a result, Kaito became the twins' parental figure... even though they never really took him all that seriously. Len in particular liked messing with his big bro, and would always let Rin in on his schemes--but no matter how much it seemed like they gave him a hard time, they were as close-knit a family you could get.
Having just started high school, Len is still rather unsure of what he wants to do in life. He aspires to be a singer, and one of his dreams is to actually get his family and friends to start some sort of singing group since they're all amazing at it, but knows that they probably wouldn't get anywhere in the long run. Despite this, he started a band with a couple of close friends from school, and is its lead singer. Rin wholeheartedly supports him, and he does prove to be popular with girls, so he's okay with it for now.
One day, Kaito came home from work with a couple of copies of Sol Invictus he'd bought for the twins to play--he'd gotten quite into the game, and wanted to share the experience with his siblings ( or something cheesy like that ). Though at first Len wasn't really interested in it, he eventually got hooked for two main reasons--one, he genuinely enjoyed being able to get away from the real world and just unwind in the game; and two, not only could he tease Kaito offline, but he could screw with him on the internet, too.
THIRD PERSON: In the middle of a dungeon with absolutely no more healing items and very little SP left, Len finally realized how much of a bad idea this run was. His brother Kaito had pretty much dragged him to this area, for he had overheard some girls saying there was a rare ice cream-themed item at the bottom of its dungeon. Being the ice cream fetishist ( as Len liked to describe him ) that he was, he decided that he needed that item. Little did they know that Fattening Unlimited Snow Caps was a level 40 field. With that name, though, they probably should've seen it coming.
After they had reached the bottom of the dungeon through pure luck ( Len had remembered to bring dolls that allowed them to escape from battles instantly ), they found a solitary frozen chest. Kaito started to run over, but Len tried to stop him, thinking it could be a trap--but nothing could stop the older boy from running over and opening it--indeed, there was a frozen statuette of an ice cream cone inside. However, as soon as the lid had been lifted, there was a sudden gust of chilling wind. When the flurry had subsided, there was a huge monster made of ice standing in the siblings' midst.
Len knew that he wasn't going to do well in this fight; he may have had fire spells, but he was also underleveled, severely weak to ice, and his defense was his lowest stat. He quickly casted a variety of defense-raising spells on himself with his limited SP reserve; he didn't bother protecting his brother since A) he had a strong resistance to ice, and B) it was his fault they were in this situation in the first place, so if he died, he deserved it. As the battle continued, the boy noticed that their attacks... weren't doing anything to the boss at all. No matter how many times they hit it, it would just regenerate its HP.
At first, the boys thought it could be a hacked monster--but after a while, Len noticed something. Each time the creature's HP was restored, the ice cream sculpture would glow green at the same time as it, and there was a faint--but visible--link between the two. Len told his brother about the connection, and that to destroy the monster ( thus saving their asses ), they'd have to get rid of the statue, too. Kaito protested rather loudly, and in the real world, Len could hear his brother drop his controller and headset, sudden footsteps coming towards his room.
But it was too late. Before Kaito could whisk his brother's controller away IRL, the in-game Len targeted the cone and casted a quick Vak Don spell. The ice cream was crushed, as was the monster, and the younger boy could feel his brother loosen his grip on his arm as he fell to his knees.
Len had no regrets.
FIRST PERSON: I figured I'd post here soon. It's a great way to meet new people. After all, it's called a massively-multiplayer-online game for a rea--
Kaito, give me back the keyboard--! Go back to your room! How do you delete things on forums? There's gotta be a delete button somewhere... oh, there it is. Er, just ignore that, my brother's a little special. Anyways, I've been planning on going grinding with a new group of people, just for some variety. I've got a couple of fields in mind, so if you want to train on a level 15 field, just leave me a message here.
... By the way, has anyone heard anything about that rare treble- and bass-clef accessory combo that was released a couple of weeks ago? I'd be willing to trade anything I have if anybody has them. Thanks a lot, I'd really appreciate it.
[ Also, uh, just as a note, if someone ever DOES plan on apping Rin or Miku or any of the other Vocaloids in the future, I'd totally be happy to work out any issues they might have with my background, and I'm sure Owl would be too! ]