3rd Lyric ☼ Action

Mar 20, 2010 18:29

[Simba lies on the edge of the forest and village. He's to wary from his encounter with Aku to go back into the wooded area, and he doesn't want to bask in the village for fear of two leggeds stepping on him.

Although the lion seems to be enjoying the nice weather, his body looks skinny and unfed. And even though he might seem like he's sleeping, ( Read more... )

c: hugo, c: raphael, c: sora, c: misaka, c: sokka, c: stella, c: james, c: flonne, c: gilbert

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meanandgreen March 20 2010, 22:48:44 UTC
[Also taking advantage of the good weather, Raph's set out to explore the forest, and has taken to the trees.

He's got a crudely carved slingshot with him, made out of a stick and a rubber band, and is stalking silently through the boughs in search of any poor, defenseless animal to try it on.

He never expected to stumble upon a lion.

Simba, you have a someone stalking you from above, debating on whether or not he should hurl that rock at you anyways.]


gtfohamlet March 20 2010, 23:10:05 UTC
[The feline's ear twitches. He hears something. But he's too tired / lazy to do more than roll over and look at where he believes Raph is hiding. Simba doesn't see him, but has a feeling something is there.]


meanandgreen March 20 2010, 23:14:48 UTC
[Raph sees that twitch and adjusts his position in the trees, studying him from a different angle.

He's seen his share of pretty cool things. But a real-life lion? That's just awesome.

Though it's being pretty boring now, just lying there doing nothing. He'll see if he can't change that.

Raph fishes a smooth stone out of his belt and puts it in the slingshot, drawing back and taking aim at the lion's shoulder. Then, he lets go and gets ready to run.]


gtfohamlet March 20 2010, 23:18:13 UTC
[With a yelp---or whatever lions do that is close to a yelp--- Simba gets up with a start and looks around, very unhappy.]

What was that for?!


meanandgreen March 20 2010, 23:25:59 UTC
[Raph ducks quickly behind the trunk of the tree, but when he hears Simba speak, his shoulders sag with a sigh.]

It talks. Of course it talks.


gtfohamlet March 20 2010, 23:35:28 UTC
[He approaches where he hears Raphael's voice come from.] Is this your idea of a hit and run? This isn't funny!


meanandgreen March 20 2010, 23:37:55 UTC
[Ha. Hit and run. Maybe it is kinda funny. But he'll stay silent and hidden for now.]


gtfohamlet March 20 2010, 23:47:40 UTC
[Simba growls as he stalks even closer, but it's almost halfhearted. Before he reaches the tree he'll lower his head and knit his eyebrows together. Another growl can be heard, but it's from his stomach.]


meanandgreen March 20 2010, 23:53:42 UTC
[Raph peeks out from his hiding place. This lion sure ain't like the ones on TV. There's no fight in him!

He scowls down at the lion from his perch, a little less intent on keeping hidden.]


gtfohamlet March 20 2010, 23:56:46 UTC
[Simba decides he's too hungry to pick a fight with this guy. He turns around, keeping his head and tail hung low.]


meanandgreen March 21 2010, 00:00:02 UTC
[Raph frowns deeper.] What's wrong with ya, huh?


gtfohamlet March 21 2010, 00:01:24 UTC
[Simba looks over his shoulder at his assailant.] Why do you care?


meanandgreen March 21 2010, 00:02:20 UTC
[He shrugs.] Bored.


gtfohamlet March 21 2010, 00:14:01 UTC
[At least the guy is honest.] I haven't been eating so well.


meanandgreen March 21 2010, 00:21:10 UTC
What, in this place? Hard to believe it.


gtfohamlet March 21 2010, 00:27:12 UTC
There's hardly any bugs to eat around here.


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