(no subject)

Oct 09, 2005 23:15

Statics wasnt bad. I took my time and still finished pretty early. Not sure about the projection of one vector onto another, but its 10/100 and I probably got partial credit on it. I finally met Amanda, shes in both my statics and calc 3 classes. Useful friendship. Had a good talk if not such a good walk back from engineering in the pouring rain. I decided that I wasnt going to the diner when I found waterlogged underwear. Panda for me!

Talking to Lauren later that afternoon I offered to take her to the airport instead of her having to take the bus. I gave myself 2 hours to get there and traffic was so bad in the downpour that we only made it with 20 minutes to spare. But she made her flight and got home. I was proud of that.

Friday night was so boring. I installed Windows 98 on the laptop again because XP was sucking up too much memory. It took a good 15 minutes to boot. Just have to figure out the wireless.

Saturday mom and I took the dog to the vet's again, then did lots of shopping for school and for random stuff. Buddy was so happy to get back in the car. Poor guy wasnt allowed to eat that morning. It was noon before he had food or meds. And then he slept. I drove back to CP in another downpour. This time I couldn't see the road itself. Nevermind the cars, trees, lines, random debris...

Saw Wallace and Grommet. It was okay, but not as good as I remember the shorts to be. Then another boring evening. Joanna, Clint, Sam and I watched Big Fish.

Today Ive been feeling guilty. I have no idea why. Is it because I woke up at 10 and got out of bed at 12? Is it because I didnt even look at my homework before 9? And when I did I found I didnt have any? Im not sure, I just feel like Ive lied to someone but I havent. Maybe Im just alone too often. Tomorrow should be different.

Hmm... and I think thats it. Getting tired, but not sleepy. That could be bad. Anybody got any sleep tips? Ive tried warm milk. I need something pleasent to think about.
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