Oh my good lord in heaven, I have been absent for six months. SIX. Because of my glaring lack of momentary nuggets of wisdom dotting the internet landscape, it has turned into a cruel and dark mistress caring little for others and numbing the few who have not converted. It is black, scary, slightly smelly and altogether unpleasant. Filled with shock sites, stupid memes, sarcastic assholes, and morons.
So, business as usual. Glad to see I didn't miss anything.
Life is normal. Taking my time with school, just going to work, learning the ins and outs of wedded life (which is fairly amusing). Handed out presents to the young'uns this year and I felt ridiculously eager to dress like Father Christmas. Weird, but whatever. At least I can somewhat enjoy the holiday now.
Fallout 3 kicks your ass and it kicked my ass and hopefully it'll keep kicking ass. Bit too easy, but more entertaining than Bioshock and that's saying a lot. Saints Row 2 was rather amusing, surprisingly. FarCry 2 was okay, as was STALKER: Clear Sky, both could've been better. Eagerly awaiting Dawn Of War II.
So, everyone knows about the NES, and quite a few have heard of the collector's item, the
NES 2. Ash picked one up for 15 bucks at a garage sale a while back. Quite a buy and a lucky grab since on average I see them for at least 70 bucks. Ignoring that it rekindled that old collector's spirit and forced me to spend money on games I don't really need, but still love and still enjoy playing, I've come to the conclusion that I am not entirely satisfied with it. Fuck. After having it for a while and playing the shit out of it for a few months, I stepped back and took a break and didn't touch for a long ass time. Then I came back and played the original SMB. At first I thought something was wrong with it, the colors seemed a bit washed out and shitty. Everything had a fucking blur to it. Then it occured to me. Of course! The RF switch is ancient and antique, naturally it looks crappy. No biggie, just break out some spare RCA jacks and uh... well, uh... shit.
Yeah, the goddamn thing doesn't have RCA jacks like the original big-ass toaster box. I can tell they were trying to save space and money, but honestly? Come on. That's bullshit. Nintendo seems to have a history of sacrificing video quality on their systems, although I think I'm just biased cause I have the habit of playing Ninja Gaiden on the Virtual Console. Whatever. Thus begins another quest to obtain a toaster box that is hopefully in decent working order. Well... didn't take long. But now I have a problem. I want to play the games in superior quality (well, as superior as composite connections can get in this day and age) but now I have this beat up old NES toaster whose ZIF slot has been fucked six ways to Sunday and is going to do nothing but give me a headache. Goddamnit, I hate that blinking screen bullshit. FINE, I'll just get a new 72-pin connector. Oh COME ON, TWO WEEKS TO GET HERE?! Agh. THERE, finally here. Alright, unscrew this, throw shitty old connector away, put new one in and screw back together and... THERE. Perfect, good quality and it works flawlessly. Finally.
*cue lovely woman walking in* "Man, it's too bad we can't play some of those old Famicom games or something on this thing."
Goddamnit, Ash. I mean, seriously. Fuck.
CLICK ME - I was aware of these converters in a roundabout way, but I never paid them much attention. Now, however, I covet them and their VERY EXISTENCE. Surprisingly hard to find, but I have enlisted help, so hopefully I shall come across one sooner or later. Whatever, I guess it's the only true way to play the original Final Fantasy 2 and 3.
Now, I must file my tax returns, eat, and get some sleep. Christ, it's cold outside.
another mission, the powers have called me away, another time to carry the colors again, my motivation, an oath I've sworn to defend, to win the honor of coming back home again