May 24, 2007 18:44
TV I have mainlined in the last two weeks.
* How I Met Your Mother Season One
How is it that I had never seen any of this show. It's fantastic. I was home sick and had run out of Buffy episodes so put that on and ended up watching every single episode. It was awesome. Barney is my new favourite person ever in the world. Closely followed by Marshall. It's also scary how alike Lily and I are. The episode where he explains why he's the way that he is and they had the flashbacks to him as a hippy. Gold. Pure gold! Now I'm trying to decide if I want to download Season 2 or wait until it comes out on DVD. Decisions, decisions.
* Buffy Season One and half of Season Two.
OMG SO GOOD. I haven't watched all of the episodes in so long and had forgotten just how much I really did love Buffy. Plus I never really got into the second season so missed all of the Angel/Buffy angst. Yesterday I watched Surprise for the first time in years and OH. Just so good. I'm slowly borrowing the entire series from a friend and just loving it. Buffy was my very first obsession so it's only fitting that I rediscover it while my current obsession VM died a long, slow, painful death.
I'm currently watchin the live web streaming of Senate Estimates. Man that is thrilling. Everything you've never wanted to know about politics and parliament in Australia. But my boss should be on it pretty soon and it's a good way of finding out more about what I'm doing.
I have a list of fic's to read that's about a mile long. But that's not the point. This weekend is going to be an all reading palooza. So I want you guys to rec me some stuff. Anything that's good and smutty. I'm in the mood for some good smut. Preferably Supernatural but I'm not totally turned of the VM fic. As long as it's Logan/Veronica and actually has some decent characterisations. In SPN I'll read pretty much anything so that's easy too. I also read Jared/Jensen. So please rec me some fic or rec me some fic lists!
it's fiction,