(no subject)

Feb 22, 2004 19:08

at dinner today i was wicked cold. i was listening to my radio show this american life and there was the usual hour of these some bizarre, some sad stories, some just plain ordinary. but what i am getting to is my dad is a fucking ignorant dick. i wish i could post a picture of him for all to see him and he would be infamous around the world. to start off, before dinner i was playing with a rubber dand. we own a bulldog and she is always is way the hell to possessive about everything, even things that arent hers. she will rip a pencil or writing utencil out of your hand and guard it for hours and if you tried to get it, she would bite your finger off, really, bite your finger off. my dad is always making fucking noises. this may sound harsh, but hate may be a strong word, but not strong enough. i used to share a room with my brother, but he moved to the basement, so now my dad sleeps in my room on the other side of the tiny room. at night, he will come slamming into my room at around 11 o'clock and then bounce onto the bed. the floor is wicked squeeky and the bed is too. i want to kill him. if i had a gun, or anything that would make death easy, he would be gone now. but i dont, so i have to live with him and the rest of my family does too. after he comes into my room,(remember, 11 o'clock at night so my ears are not accustomed now to loud noises) but then he will scramble for his head phones( all the while he is breathing incredibly loudly becuase he was just squirming around getting comty and making a wicked loud racket) then once he gets them on, he turns on his little freakin 1976 fm radio so loud that it is just as loud as his snoring. there really is no way to make him see how loud he is, and really no way of telling you how loud he is. but then he will start sniffling, no, he has already been sniffling and he then coughs loudly and bounces on the bed and makes it squeek some more. well, everything he does bugs the crap out of me, my mom and sisters, and sometimes brother, but not alot. so at dinner we were listening to our show and he said something really loud (not the first time) and we all said quiet and he makes that face like "what do you mean" or "what do you have against me?" or something like "im better than you". but its not like this is a one time thing, it is all the freakin time. he slurps his drinks wicked loud, sneezes wicked loud, and now that i hear him in the other room, his laugh makes me want to slam his brains out of his head with a hammer. I HATE HIM. its always about him, he trys to get all the attention, especially when he is sick. and he thinks he is always so much smarter than the rest of us. he is taking a class from his work to learn how to use a new computer program and there was a booklet with a part he showed me. i have a lego program that can do all those things he was bragging about and he showed me the part and i showed him a part that was the same thing. he told me "kinda" and "well, basicly, but no" and it was the same freaking differential housng! and then he calls our house all the freakin time "whos home?" "anything new" "everyone ok" gay ass shit like that. and it makes me sick! and then ahhhhhh! his fucking laugh, i wanna punch him in the face with a weed whacker. this isnt even any of it, you would need to live it to know it. ciao, im going to, well, i wish i could slam a brick into his face and pelt him with bullets.
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