I've seen this in the printed edition of Ming Pao today, and unfortunately, /that/ article isn't online anymore
...but for
thomasvye's amusement, here is the adorable photo I finally manage to dig up online, and the gist of the story, haha;
(Photo gekked from 中国经济网 (a simplified Chinese new site),
身怀绝技小白鼠表演<李三娘打水> 恭贺新春(图), Feb 05, 2008) It's the same photo used by Ming Pao, it's got this name at the top, [林轶洁], who is probably the photographer. Their article credits [青年时报].
Little white mouse performs the play Lee Third Maiden Gather Water [李三娘打水] at Hangzhou Provincial [杭州] Zoo [動物園].
The childless 3rd maiden Lee goes to gather water from the well alone, but accidentally falls in. The mice trainer was a skilled storyteller, and the tale was colourfully described. The little white mice lowered the paper bucket from a string off to the side of the table, the 'well'.
This magnificent performance was brought in by the Chinese circus art group, Hebei Wuqiao Acrobatics World [河北吳橋雜技大世界] (River North Wu Bridge Miscellaneous Skills World). Training mice to perform tricks is an ancient Chinese folk art with 2400 years of history that was almost lost, and was only revived after historical research.
Mice trainer said, the hardest thing is training them to ride roller car(?), the especially energetic ones have to be picked, and only one out of twenty learned.
What made made the mouse trainer's head hurts, is that the mice have short term memory, once, he had domestic matters that required a month long absence, and when he had returned, all the mice had forgotten their tricks.
Chinese Trad. story link from ChinaNews.Sina;
小白鼠表演《李三娘打水》賀新春, Feb 04, 2008.
Happy year of the rat! Things are supposed to be better this year, the rat heads the twelve year cycle, so it's suppose to be a year for new beginnings! The year of the pig was bad news (that was suppose to be the real reason that they didn't display the image of pigs in China's media last year), this year, is the year that America gets rid of Bush. Cross your fingers that /better/ comes along for everyone.