I've always been extremely annoyed by jerks who think they are being so rebellious with their rape jokes and 'dare to be politically incorrect'. Political Correctness is oppressive when it stresses appearance over actuality; ignoring inequality that still exists, for example, and then being overtly concerned with not offending anyone out of everyone, even the oppressors. I love politically incorrect humour when it mocks how some people just don't get it, about what the problem is, therefore bringing our focus back to the issue. There is nothing cool however, about 'dare to be politically incorrect', when you are seeking to intentionally offend the traditionally oppressed, you are just /contributing/ to the oppression that people for the most part have done in the past, you are just later to the game, just 'daring to walk backward'.
Pandagon is this really cool blog by American feminist bloggers, the most prominent being Amanda Marcotte, they initially screen comments, but allow a lot of obvious trolling through. A few days back, Amanda
posted a complaint about guys that wear shirts with rape jokes: "No means have aNOther drink". In pour the trolling, by guys who think they are so cool countering all that evolutionary progress and standing out with the outdated inner hideousness.
Please read
ginmar's take on this for her much more eloquent exposition on this subject:
Here's a tip, morons: if you are upholding the status quo, along with centuries of discrimination, you are not rebelling. In fact, you are a reactionary, reacting against genuine rebellion. Rebellion is what rebels do; they rebel against power. The powerful respond with suppression, not rebellion. -
Look it's a rebellion!,
ginmar (PS, thanks for the meta-heads-up on the last one,