Came across
this discussion while googling CLAMP School Detectives...feminists (which they claim to be).
The article in question is quite interesting:
She Was Asking For It
Article: The Dangers of Shoujo
Updated: 07/21/05
An exploration of some of the unsettling themes of older-shoujo manga So far I have largely struck to CLAMP though I've read biggest complaint and cause for alarm is that while they both dealt with the subject of rape and portrayed the effects as tragical, neither of the girls, or the people around them, sought justice, either through law or murder...major scary part: The girl in Tokyo Babylon implied that the guys in the van have probably done this before, will do it again, yet she didn't call the police, and at the end of that arc we are left with the implication that violence against women are just something unfortunate that 'just happens', like natural disasters. WTF?
Mars is definitely a better shoujo than CLAMP though in treatment of female characters, I feel like that at least Kira’s boyfriend Rei and her friends should have condemned her mother for marrying the creep that 'messed with' her, but the boyfriend understood the silent NO even before he found out what happened to her and stopped. Mostly I love how the females aren’t singled out as weak or vindictive, Kira is sorta a parallel to Rei’s dead twin brother Sei. I love how Mars addressed the dark innerworld of someone like Kira, she doesn’t know, or just doesn’t, strike out physically, but she thinks horrible things, just like Sei did, to the people who have ill treated them. Not very healthy, but more realistic than eternal doormats who don't even feel offended because they didn't know it was their right to, when their rights are violated.
...and wow, this scene really happened in Love Celeb:
Interesting, is blushing the shoujo girl equivalent of laughing incredulously? Cause that will be totally my response to a guy telling me that he's going to 'claim' me, or that he is
A Creature Of Darkness. If it appears that he is '4 Real' however, I will still laugh...just back away as well as I ponder what is the appropiate attire for a restraining order hearing.