We have a Putin/Blair slash fan in BBC:

Sep 10, 2006 16:00

In pictures: G8 summit body language

Observe, zee Russians disregarding The Height Rule in their typical upside-down commie way:

As captioned by the BBC:
"During such summits, there is always a subtle contest for dominance between the leaders."
"Blair and Putin look one another straight in the eye. Blair's smile is slightly nervous, Putin relaxed and confident, his left arm grasps Blair's upper arm. Putin looks like the man in charge. Does he have the upper hand?"

Gekked from current_affairs, a much more active community than political_fic I found through the fandom_wank report on the suthor edwardsgrrl who wrote herself in with John Edwards...the Senator...after killing off Elizabeth in her fic of course...and this fic was written back in 2004 December, very shortly after the Edwards family released news that Elizabeth have been dianosised with cancer.

Other than utter bad taste considering the circumstances, I don't understand why anyone would bother creating a Mary Sue, when in canon, there is already so much subtext between politicians...

Anyways, whee! current_affairs is funny, it reminds me of johnxjohn before it got too popular on el gay...or rather, too wangsty. Dude, the woman in me finds the notion of them together hot, but I understand that this is fiction because they obviously love their wives very much (of course since all four of them gets along so well)...anyways, political slash is like the flip side of parody, in fact, johnxjohn was originally started by someone as a joke. So laugh and giggle, don't get scary about it, especially since Elizabeth Edwards does surf the web and I'm pretty sure she knows there is a Kerry x Edwards fandom...

Crossposted to my GJ.

For my renewed interest in political slash, I place the blame wholely upon the attention whoring shoulders of Iran's dictator for starting a blog...and opening it with an autobiography about his tragical childhood no less!

...and speaking of political slash...political femmeslash anyone? In Taiwan, the corrupted president could be overthrown or forced to step down anytime soon, and his likely successor is a woman, so Germany x Taiwan! Or Taiwan x Germany, ah, either way, I've always liked the femmeslash fandom better because it just seem like everyone is having more fun, seriously. For one thing, there will rarely be mega-flame-wars over who is the seme, as is the case with Sasuke and Naruto, a pairing I am fortunately not interested in. Back in July a SasuNaru v. NaruSasu wank got all the way over to FW, and what's more, there is a community to debate this: sn_vs_ns

fandom, putin/blair, taiwan, russia, germany, america

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