R.I.P. Steve Irwin

Sep 04, 2006 20:50

So by now, everyone had probably heard of the unfortunate passing of The Crocodile Hunter, Australia's Steve Irwin.

...here then, is a cute picture I gekked from Jason Staines's report of the incident:

Holding a pure-bred Sumatran tiger cub at Mogo Zoo, south of Sydney, 2004.

Dude, he was cool, lived and died doing what he love, peace out.

ETA Tuesday 3am (/3hours after the time I should have went to bed): preserver3's thoughts on A world without a Steve Irwin.

Everyone seem to be really upset over it, OL and IRL...my brother who is into zoology was really upset over it. I'm too...but mostly I just feel weird. It was first very Unreal, I was chatting with someone over IM 3am on Monday when I noticed the R.I.P. Steve Irwin...since I haven't been watching the show lately, the name was familiar to me but I forgot who...and I actually thought it was a pet turtle named after a celebrity that died because she had a turtle icon next to that sig. I slept on it, and then when I woke up, it was just Steve Irwin is dead, fact.

I was kinda upset because I liked to think of him as a background character with no beginning and therefore no end, as much we joked about him being done in by all manners of critters. There was a uber funny Choose Your Own Adventure Croc Hunter clip on FlowGo ages ago, where you as Steve Irwin gets to chose what to do with various reptiles...option includes 'poke it with a stick'...and the snake snatched the stick and then... Well, those aren't funny anymore, but the ED's article on Steve Irwin certainly is, if he wasn't popular that 'too soon' wouldn't have happened so soon, and with so many editing within the hour! I like the image gallery, there are lulzy ones used for trolling, but there are also cute one as well, like the Steve and baby tiger one, which was noted to be able to cause Troll's Remorse, lol.

I thought it would be weird and depressing to watch reruns with Steve in it because the dude is dead now...but after looking at the picture above which is uber cute, the baby tiger and the happy looking Steve, I think it would be okay. The Crocodile Hunter’s death...I can't remember another one like it. This one sticks out to me because while it's a tragedy that he died, unlike the other deaths that I remember, this was of a man who did live doing what he loved, and died living, so, no regrets, just an ending that is always inevitable, but no regrets, just good memories.

australia, animal welfare, animals

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