This has been ajusted from the
Seven Sins According to a Humanist list I made back in 2004. For one pseudo-major thing, I doubt that I'm a humanist anymore, I'm for myself. While I do want the world to be a better place, it would be because I want things to run properly. When I look at a country that is struck in the dark ages or on the way back, I'm annoyed because I see wasted potential. I dislike people who are cruel because I think it's unclouth. I don't feel that strongly about 5-7 anymore (or at least, right now), they are there because I can't think of anything else that will fit with the others at the moment.
1. Hypocrisy
2. Ignorance
3. Denial
4. Cruelty
5. Bigotry
6. Hatred
7. Apathy