Really, it's just the old Liberal, Conservative, and NDP. I'm still new to this election thingie, but huh?
My head hurts, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid election. Why did they pick December of all times to bring down the government? Why couldn't the parliament have collapsed on a slow week, such as the middle of July. I wanted an August election, because I've said it before, the best time to ask for things is the month before an election, but everyone is too busy this time of the year, blah.
Christ, it's so close, the 23rd, it's already the 10th, still not sure. I'll never vote for Stephen Harper after the direction he took his party in, though I suppose Peter MacKay is also to blame, the turncoat that promised Orchard not to merge the Progressive Conservatives with the Alliance, fucking liar. Oh, if only Belinda Stronarch had won, I'll vote Conservative in an instant. She is a little too right on the scale for my preferences with her stance on pot (and doesn't seem social programs friendly enough), but over all, she’s a better candidate than Martin, Martin who was the Minister of Finance when the ad budget scam was going on. I don't know about Liberal!Stronach though, because her biggest appeal to me then was that she was an alternative to Liberal, as a centrist I believe that having one party in power too long is unhealthy.
I still consider myself Liberal, but with the way the party has been behaving the past decade, they didn't fuck it up as bad as Bush, but that really grading on a bell curve, and they while they haven't fucked up, nothing much was done either. Meh, NDP will probably get my vote now.
ETA: Correction, I have the option of Liberal, Conservative, NDP, and Green, but not Canadian Action Party. Green is running in every riding this year.