P0rn Free deviantArt AKA fowl-free hen house

Jun 19, 2004 00:49

Dude, I just found out about deviantArt's anti-porn policy, and that one of my favourite artists there, babykefka got banned for days earlier months ago. I've seen her art, and even if they have nudity, I can't imagine her drawing something degrading enough to be of public concern, so it must be just nudity stuff.

I understand if FF.Net wants to ban NC-17 stuff, they need the ad money, and their sponsers might not like the crowd NC-17 fanfiction attracts. Kids tend to buy more stuff after all. However, deviantArt banning porn is just funny. All along, I thought deviantArt was about, well, deviant art, to break from the norm, to rebel with beautiful sinful imagery.

Guess I was wrong. They could at least get a new name as to not mislead people into joining. Calling itself "deviant" while being all babyfood policy about it's content, reminds me of all those little Avril fangirls who thinks they are badass punks because they wear a tie with their T-shirts. Pukefest.

COLLINS Pocket Reference English Dictionary (Canadian Edition):

deviant n./a. (person) deviates from normal esp. in sexual practices


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