Nov 01, 2005 14:57
[1]What size is your bed?: School and home beds are both doubles.
[2]Is your floor carpeted?: yes
[3]If so, what color is it?: An ugly grey-ish brown.
[4]Do you have posters on your walls?: If hero cards count as posters, then yes.
[5]Of what?: Here I have Carl Edwards, Hot!Boston, and Paul Menard.
[6]Do you keep your room clean, or is it just always a mess?: I keep it clean. My room's too small to keep it messy.
[7]Are you allowed to eat in your room?: Uh, yeah.
[8] what color is your room: Variations of beige. Blah.
[8]How many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 2
[9]Do you take a shower daily?: yes
[10]Do you wear perfume/cologne?: When I remember to put it on.
[11]Do you wear deodorant?: yes
[12]Do you go outside often?: I'm outside a few times a day.
[13]Is your lawn green or brown?: Green for the most part.
[14]Do you have a patio in the back?: Nope. Have a deck in the front.
[15]Do you have a one or two (or more) car garage?: nope
[17]Are you male or female?: female
[18]Are you sure?: yes
[19]Do you have any piercings?: yes
[20]If so, where?: ears
[21]Are you single or married?: single and happy about it (most of the time)
[22]Do you like your name?: yes
[23]FIRST NAME?: Hannah (which is hannaH backwards)
[24]Do you shave your legs?: yes
[25]Is the sky really blue, or is it white with blue clouds?: It's blue raspberry kool-ade with marshmallow clouds.
[26]Did that last question confuse you?: nope
[27]Do you eat chocolate often?: when I have it
[28]Do you have a job?: no
[29]Why or why not?: You can't get a job in Statesboro/
[30]Is your computer slow?: nope
[31]Have you ever wondered why there is bark on a tree?: no
[32]When you kick a tree, does it bruise the tree?: No but it might bruise your foot.
[33]Why do cats cover their poop and such?: So that you can't find it when you're cleaning the litter pan.
[34]What do you hear right now?: Gary Allan
[35]What do you smell right now? nada
[36]Are you alone in the room?: Nope. Ricky's in here too.
[37]Are you at home?: yes
[38]person you hugged: Kristin or Aly
[39]person you kissed: Oh geez...can I not think about how long it's been, please?
[40]person you called: Aly
[41]person who called: Rachel
[42]thing you touched: the keyboard
[43]magazine you bought: I think it was the NASCAR Illustrated from August.
[44]place you went to: post office
[45]perfume/cologne you sprayed: Tommy Girl
[46]thing you ate: Lean Pocket
[47]drink you drank: water
[48]flower you picked: don't remember
[49]movie you rented: again, don't remember
[50]Thing you bought: breakfast
[51]word you said: no
[52]place where you slept: bed