I missed it!!!

Dec 02, 2005 17:30

I missed the one year anniversary of my LJ. I was looking through the archive and realised I used to post non stop. I was less busy...I had time for sleep and food and friends. But was I happier? I couldn't tell you. I'm going to read those posts on the year since them(get it?). Maybe I'll learn something from my past.

Meghan's gone...in a sense. I can't watch out for her anymore. It's too stressful and takes away from my life. She randomly visited me yesterday and as much as she claims to have changed, I know she hasn't. So I'll wait...til she can find something more important in life than drugs.

I quit Jack in the Box at my mother's request. I work at Hollywood Video now and it's going alright. I missed Jack at first but have now come to terms with the fact that part of my depression was coming from working there.

I have a Kidney Infection:) So painful and I'm almost tired of talking about it....almost:)

I'm bored....which is kinda nice.

I need a shower though so I'll be doing that.

Livning life better....and enjoying it.
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