
Aug 29, 2011 21:40

Greetings travellers,

And welcome to the developers blog for a new project, which is currently known as... Anticthon.

It's a Steam/Diesel Punk larp run by Polyp Fiction (which at the minute is essentially Me and vevaphonics)

It will involve: Airships, espionage, Dread Pirates, Robber Barons, The Industrial Revolution, floating islands, MAD SCIENCE!!, spring-loaded corsetry, goggles, secret societies, Experimental Archeology, Extreme Journalism and many other awesome things.

We're still in the process of writing it, so we're not sure when it's going to be up and running, but it's at the stage right about now that we feel we can start discussing things, post up some first attempts at setting documents, see what the community has got to say about it . And this is the place to do all that.

We will at some point in the future be looking for refs, crew, artists, photographers, playtesters and general ideas merchants and facilitators, so if you want to get involved, in whatever capacity, please register your interest with one of us, and we will... either find something interesting for you to do, or possibly not contact you for three months, and then innundate you with requests. :)

Anyway, we hope that enough people are as interested in the project as we are, and it's going to be as fantastic as we imagine it will be. Either way, welcome along for the ride! :D
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