Meet and Greet

Aug 01, 2009 10:20

Hey guys, I know that the end of summer is approaching, for some of us that means the return of school, for others it just means that the weather is about to get a whole heck of a lot cooler.

We had discussed doing a steam lite event, since many members mentioned that they did not have steam garb yet. So my idea was this.

Either we can meet at The Gym, which is a facility that my boyfriend and I own, and have a tea party of our own. The perks is that if everyone brings something (fingerling sandwiches, TEA, cookies, etc.) then the cost is relatively low per person. The downside is that The Gym does not have anyway to boil water on the spot, we only have one table at the moment, and no air conditioning. Or we could all try The Secret Tea Room, located on State Street. It is more expensive than doing it ourselves, but there's no work on our part.

So, which would you rather do? What date works best for you?

Weekends are going to be best for me personally, and will also work better for The Gym if everyone would prefer that option. I myself and starting school on the 18th of August, so mornings that I'm not working are going to be when I'm available. Though I can request off that morning if I have enough notice.

The Secret Tea Room -
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