Nov 23, 2006 17:52
I am thankful for many things. The most prominent thing for which I am thankful is that our house did not burn down today. When James was preparing Thanksgiving dinner, he poured some clarified butter into a pan that was heating up on the stove. The pan was Penny's and there was some residue left in the pan from where she browned some ground beef this morning. The pan caught fire and melted the knob on the stove. The flames reached 2 to 3 feet into the air. Matt, Penny, and I stood there staring at the fire in shock. Finally we came to our senses and Penny put the pot's glass lid on the pot to stifle the flames. James called out for us to cut off the breaker to the stove so I went and turned off the breaker. Before I made it to the breaker, the fire alarm was sounding. James called the alarm company to cancel the call for the fire department. We opened up all of the windows on the first floor of the house to clear the air of smoke. No one was hurt (thank God). The only thing that was damaged was the back panel of the stove. The knob was melted and the switch that operates the oven light was partially melted.
I am also thankful for the career change that God led me through. We're still adjusting to the financial change, but overall things are going well. I am spending entirely too much personal time working (grading papers, writing lesson plans, etc.), but my workload is getting better.
I am thankful for the ladies I have gotten to know through the leadership position that I have with the local Evening Women's Bible Study Fellowship Discussion Group. We are studying the book of Romans this year. I have never studied this particular book in the Bible before. This study is very rich and I am growing in my understanding of the doctrine of my faith. God is good and he has a plan for my life and the world. I am glad that I do not have to create my own plan for life, I only have to follow his great and wonderful plan. I do admit that I am unable to follow his plan perfectly, but God planned for my (and everyone's) imperfection. He gave his Son to die on the cross. He raised his Son on the third day after his crucifixion. Jesus Christ conquered death when he was raised up. All who believe in him and follow him will have eternal life. Christ's righteousness is enough for everyone.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and all of the things he does for me. I am thankful that he is who he is and that our love for each other grows every day. Our love has deepened and matured from the romantic that we felt for each other in the early days. We do experience romantic love from time to time, but mostly we have the calm peaceful love that comes from comitting to one person for life and becoming more comfortable with that person. We are each becoming more compassionate with time. We argue from time to time, but we use that conflict to make our relationship stronger instead of weaker.
I am thankful for James' and my families. Our families regularly drive us nuts, but they are still family and we love them quirks and all. This year has seen my relationship with my sister grow and improve. I have found that even though she is several years younger than me, she knows me as well if not better than anyone else excluding my hubby. James's father is always there for us whenever we need sound advice.