
Feb 21, 2006 14:38

Since I've been tagged twice (pernwebgoddess and master_mikel), here is the Five Guilts meme.

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Pizza Hut's Cheesy Bites Pizza
Ever since I saw the first commercial I craved this pizza. 1.5 weeks ago I finally tried them; this pizza is really good.
Literary: People magazine I think this one's pretty self-explanatory.Audiovisual: Winter Olympics The Winter Olympics are like crack for me. I just can't seem to stop watching, to the detrement of everything else I'm supposed to do.
Musical: Ashlee Simpson I really enjoy the edginess of her voice. She's a good studio artist;, even though she's not a very good "live" artist.
Celebrity: Sean Connery I just find bald (or slightly bald) men sexy.

Now I tag:- NO ONE!


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