Aug 18, 2009 00:27
Up way too late doing technical writing for work....
This past weekend kicked off Liberty Hall's 200th Flash Challenge. I managed to squeak a flash out the required 90 minutes, and managed to not disqualify! The resulting story was a lot of fun to write, and I hope to get it revised and out to market soon. Having something usable after a 90 minute flash challenge is a great thing! I can't say much here yet about what story it is, since the challenge is still going.... Nearly twenty new stories emerged in this challenge, and having read and critiqued several already, it always amazes what folks can do with a writing trigger and ninety minutes of adrenaline! Congrats to Mike Munsil, Liberty Hall's creator, and the rest of the Liberty Hall crowd!
Also recently, I began a fantasy short story that I'll be sending right out when done. It's perhaps the most powerful fantasy story I've yet conceived of, and I'm hoping I'm up to what it needs. It's not often that I'm plotting and planning a story in my head on the commute, and I burst into tears. 8-0 The source ideas came from readings about certain ancient practices in Malaysia and other cultures. The imagery, particularly from Malaysia was rich and beautiful. I'm concerned about bringing the ideas to a fantasy world while still honoring the original culture. More later.
Night all!
liberty hall,
fiction writing