Oh man have I been BUSY.

Jan 23, 2004 22:56

Between classes, Dance Company, and FIRST I have barely had time to breathe. I'm lucky if I eat one meal a day- it's crazy.
I can't complain though...

My classes are great. I love them all. I got into honors mythology, which is already extremely interesting. In theatre today my teacher had us dance along with her to "Get the Party Started" by Pink- and well I was crying I was laughing so hard. ME 442 is awesome... Kristen, Melanie and I make up almost 100% of the female populatin in that class, haha we are going to take it over! Labs are going to be awesome when we actually get to be in the machine shop!

Dance Company is going well. I love all the girls there! It's a lot of time and effort... and we all still feel dumb in the Alice dance because it's so silly, but oh well we do it because we love dance!

FIRST... yeahhh we like LIVE there! It is a lot of work starting a team from scratch, but the kids are hilarious and some seem really dedicated so it is worth it. The mentors are great too- haha lunch/my one meal of the day with Kristen and Toby- ALWAYS a riot!

Well it is 11 on a Friday night and I actually think I'm going to go to bed... I am EXHAUSTED! Plus, we have FIRST at 10am tomorrow, and I actually wanted to SLEEP tonight! I know, I know, I'm a loser!

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