My Ordinary Day

Aug 03, 2003 10:02

Yesterday was the most amazing day. I don't know how to explain it. We didn't do anything especially spectacular, but it just was such a nice day...

After I got out of work Tyler came over and we ate cheese puffs and talked about parents. Then my parents came home and while they were making dinner we went to Trader Joe's (because neither of us had ever been there), and the dollar store. Then we took the scenic route home. It was so pretty- such a nice drive. We got back to my house and ate dinner (STEAK my favorite!!) and then sat around with my parents trying to decide what to do. Finally we all decided to go shopping for office supplies (haha also my favorite!). We made a quick stop at blockbuster before returning home, where we purchased the second Harry Potter movie which we watched when we got home. Then at 12:30 when the movie was over Tyler went home.

It doesn't sound spectacular, but it really was an amazing day. Tyler really is an amazing boy.

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