Nov 04, 2037 21:01
Every party in Gummere basement brings me one stop closer to irreconcilable cynicism. It's not so much that kids are poisoning their bodies just because they don't know how to socialize or have fun without alcohol. That's their business. What really gets me is the total lack of respect of the people involved. People completely ignored us when we asked them to use the bathrooms upstairs (and tore down the duct tape we used to discourage people from trashing ours, which is what usually happens), I argued with and got cursed out by countless inebriated people messing with our hall (including one argument that got physical), and the icing on the cake was the utter disaster area they all left in the basement afterwards. A large wooden table was smashed, chairs broken, drinks spilled with cups and bottles literally everywhere, at least a hundred I'm sure--Melissa and I went down to pick up afterwards so the people in housekeeping wouldn't have to deal with it. The smell was nothing you'd want to be breathing in, either: a little like sweaty burnt feet with a hint of stale beer and marijuana smoke. I know a lot of people who work in housekeeping and I hate thinking about how people just expect them to clean up after they trash the place. It was a pretty shitty night, but I did finally see The Departed with most of the hall--interrupted when we had to help one of our very intoxicated hall-mates--which I liked, and ended the day on a somewhat better note. It bothers me though that we go to this school that's supposedly all about respecting each other and "the honor code," and yet people so frequently act like assholes to each other.
I needed to rant about that somewhere, so I'm sorry to anyone in the super-cool party scene who may have been offended. But not really.
On a lighter note, seaweed is delicious. I got some going through Chinatown after getting lost in two different 'hoods on the way back from my writing sem field placement, a public elementary school just outside Philly. Looking at all the signs I was pretty surprised by how much Chinese I had learned and how much I could actually read.
That's all, I have to write a paper now.