Was I the only one who thought it seemed like the kid had been coached or prompted to go up there? Just...how many 8 year olds know who she is enough to put it all together like that? Let alone to show up at the event on their own? I just hate when kids are used as a political statement by either side, and while a few people who are both young and wise beyond their years have taken a stand on gay rights issues, this one seems more staged than those for some reason.
No, you're definitely not the only one. There have been discussions in ontd_political and sf_drama about this video. I think the reason he seemed so shy is because... well, cameras + gigantic crowd + Michelle Bachmann? She is a scary person, and I probably wouldn't have the courage to do what he did.
I know others seem to think that but...I don't see it. He seems like a pretty typical shy kid to me. My understanding, from reading something from the woman who taped it (I think) is that he wanted to say something but got nervous as he was doing so.
I don't know. I was 8 during an election year, and whole I certainly didn't understand everything, I knew who was running and who my parents supported a little bit about why because they tended to talk about that sort of thing at the dinner table each night. I think an 8 year old who knows that his mommy is gay, and hears that she doesn't like gay people might have something to say about that.
And I'm sure it was his idea to go to the book signing, too. And wait in line so patiently. And have his Mom encourage him. All while it was coincidentally filmed and posted on the internet.
oh, I have no doubts that his mother played a pretty big role in all this. I was mostly responding to the idea that he was too young to understand the issue.
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