Kristen Howe,
Stephanie Reibel and
Fay Wolf from the cast of
FenceSitter Film's popular web series "
Rose By Any Other Name . . ." appear in a video directed at teens who identify as bisexual
Click to view
as the blogger "
Suburban Bi" notes, "the reality that there is a particular need to target bisexual youth with this message has so far been lost.
The statistic that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth as a whole are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers has just recently permeated the psyche of the US, Canada and a various countries that have been touched by recent events. But the statistics that show how strong suicidal ideation is among bisexuals specifically have been lost in the shuffle. And this community cannot be ignored if we are to reach and affect individuals who need to be helped."
This video which is part of a joint project of
FenceSitter Films (FSF) and
American Institute of Bisexuality (AIB) is just the first in a series of PSA's that are scheduled to be released over the upcoming months and are part of a
number of high visibility steps being undertaken by
bisexual organizations aimed at fighting
biphobia and
bisexual erasure.