Thank you Alec and Jeff...

Jun 14, 2009 22:45

So if you are suddenly finding yourself with a bit of free time on your hands and are loathe to actually fill said time with real work and happen to be even a passing fan of video games I have found the procrastination station for you: flash animation game reviews by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw aptly titled "Zero Punctuation" because the man doesn't ever pause in his speech. Really, the reviews are amazing, hysterical, and the animation/character design is perfect. I'll post two here, for Spore and Valve's Orange Box, because many of you will have heard of those games, but it is worth checking out all the rest of his reviews HERE.

If you couldn't guess, this guy doesn't like most games, or at least finds something to complain about... which is kinda why his Orange Box review is amusing. As are all the other ones, of which I have watched most. I love the humor, I love the animations, and I love the sharp-as-a-bear-trap wit.

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